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Season 2, Episode 8 - Aired November 16, 1999

Donna sneaks into Eric's room in the middle of the night and joins him in bed. Meanwhile, Hyde gets a job to contribute to the Formans.

Quote from Eric

Eric: You know, Donna, I'm not surprised you're in my bed. I knew you couldn't resist me any longer.
Donna: No, I couldn't. I want you. I need you.
Eric: Well, I never turn down a woman in need.
Donna: You know, being here, in your bed, on your... Spider-Man sheets, makes me feel so ready, so willing.
Eric: Then call me Able. Wait, wait. A little mood music.
[I Like Dreamin' by Kenny Nolan plays]
♫ I like dreamin' ♫ 'Cause dreamin' can make you mine ♫ I like dreamin' ♫ Dreamin' ♫
[Eric wakes up in bed:]
Eric: Damn.
Donna: What's wrong?
Eric: Ah! I mean... Hey, baby.


Quote from Leo

Leo: So, do you like photos, man?
Hyde: Yeah, man. Sure.
Leo: Okay. You got the job, man.
Hyde: Just like that? You don't have to interview anybody else?
Leo: Nobody else showed up, man.
Hyde: So, what do I do here, anyway?
Leo: Well, I don't expect a lot, man. Pretty much, if the hut doesn't burn down, it's been a good day. And even if it burnt down, man, it's cool, 'cause I got three or four more of these little huts somewhere. Hey, listen, if you see one of these huts, would you give me a call, man?
Hyde: Or even better, I could take a picture.
Leo: Whoa. A picture of a photo hut. Hey, that'd be like art or something, huh?

Quote from Leo

Leo: Hey, listen, man, I hope you don't mind if I pay you in cash. I don't like Big Brother getting into my business, you dig?
Hyde: Man, keeping the government out of it, I'm so with you.
Leo: No. My big brother, man. He's always hitting me up for money.
Hyde: Oh. 'Cause you're the responsible one?
Leo: Yeah. It's my curse, man. Hey, listen... I gotta go, uh... Do a thing at, uh... A place.
Hyde: Yeah, man. I hear that. So you want me to lock up when I'm done?
Leo: Lock up. Wow. That's a great idea, man. Hey, you're one of those idea men, aren't you, man?
Hyde: Yeah. Maybe someday you'll be working for me, huh? [chuckles]
Leo: Really? Aw, that'd be cool, man. Hey, but can I have Saturday night off? [Hyde nods] Cool.

Quote from Jackie

Jackie: So nothing happened?
Donna: Well, you know, some things happened. But we mostly slept.
Jackie: You mean you were in his bed and he didn't whine and beg for, like, two hours until you're so sick of hearing his stupid voice that you just gave in so he would shut up?
Donna: No. I love him. He just, like, held me all night.
Jackie: Oh, my God! That's so sweet. Michael's just after me all the time. I mean, I understand 'cause I'm sexy and all, but still. Like, okay, he always, says, "Why cuddle when we can do it?"
Donna: Well, was he always like that?
Jackie: No. No, I guess things kind of changed after we did it. But in a good way.
Donna: I love it when Eric holds me.
Jackie: Yeah. I love it when Michael buys me stuff.

Quote from Leo

[As Kelso pulls up to the photo hut, Hyde opens the plastic window and a plume of smoke escapes]
Hyde: Hey, man.
Kelso: So this is where you work, huh?
Hyde: Yeah, that's what they say.
Kelso: Hey, won't you get in trouble if the boss shows up?
Leo: Oh, no. Is the boss here? Hey, wait. I'm the boss.

Quote from Eric

Eric: I can't believe you're in my bed. I can't believe you came through my window.
Donna: I know. Well, I was just sitting at home thinking about you, and I thought, why don't I crawl up the side of his house and say hello. So... Hello.
Eric: [laughs] Hello.
Donna: Did anyone see you?
Eric: Uh, just Hyde. Excuse me.
[After Eric gets out of bed, he opens his bedroom door and finds Hyde standing there]
Hyde: I heard a noise downstairs, and it scared me.
Eric: Man, you're ruining what could be the most important night of my life here.
Hyde: Well, duh.

Quote from Eric

Eric: This is so... I can't believe this. You've never been in my bed before.
Donna: I know. I'm in your bed.
Eric: You're in my bed. You're in my bed. You're in my bed.
[fantasy: Eric is a contestant on a Pyramid-like game show, the "$20,000 Virgin Octagon":]
Jinx Mandell: Okay, um, because the bed squeaks. Because the walls are thin. Because Red has the ears of a wolf.
Eric: Uh, reasons my parents might hear us if we do it.
Jinx Mandell: Right! Okay. Okay. Uh, "Gee, Mom, it was hot, so we took off our clothes... And then we got cold, so we got under the covers, and things just started bouncing around."
Eric: Things I might say if my folks catch us doing it.
Jinx Mandell: Yes! Okay. Um, uh, Fonda, Ford, the eighth...
Eric: Famous Henrys.
Jinx Mandell: Yes! Okay, uh... Because there's a girl in your bed. Because there's a girl in your bed. Because there's a girl in your bed, damn it!
Eric: Reasons to go for it!
Jinx Mandell: Yes!
Eric: So, I, uh... [kisses Donna]

Quote from Kitty

Kitty: [on the phone] So she's gonna be out the whole week? Well, you don't drink and go ice fishing. That is just common sense. No, no, no. It's fine. I'll be happy to pick up her shifts. Okay. Uh-huh. Bye. [hangs up]
Red: Oh, jeez, Kitty, you work so hard as it is. I don't want you working double shifts.
Kitty: Well, Red, we need the money. It's not every week that Charlene's gonna get septicemia from a rusty hook. We have gotta take advantage of that.
Red: Well, I don't like it.
Kitty: Oh, you know... If I'm gonna be working nights, I'd better put some meals together for you and the boys.
Red: Oh, come on, Kitty. I'm not helpless. I think I can get these guys some dinner.
Kitty: Okay. Yeah. Um... I'm sure you'll be great. Fire extinguisher's in the garage.

Quote from Eric

Hyde: So, where's Donna, man?
Eric: Donna? Donna? Oh, you mean that girl who spent last night in my bed?
Hyde: Yeah. Yeah, that's the one.
Eric: She went home this morning.
Hyde: So? Huh? Huh? So...?
Eric: So let's just say she went home a very happy woman.
Hyde: [laughs] All right, man, you finally did it.
Eric: Yeah. You know, "it" can mean a lot of things.
Hyde: No. "It" means one thing, and you either did it or you didn't.
Eric: Okay, then we didn't, but we did plenty of good stuff. New stuff. Plenty of good, new stuff.
Hyde: God, man, you're bumming me out. Couldn't you have at least just lied to me?
Eric: Uh, okay. We did it.
Hyde: Liar.

Quote from Jackie

Donna: So, you know what?
Jackie: What?
Donna: Oh, I can't tell you.
Jackie: Oh, my God. Now you have to tell me. Even if it's not about me, I want to hear it.
Donna: I was really bad last night.
Jackie: Did you shoplift? I knew it.
Donna: No. I slept with Eric last night.
Jackie: Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Was it great?
Donna: Yeah. I was asleep.
Jackie: Ew!
Donna: No. No, Jackie, we were both asleep.

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