Red Quote #472

Quote from Red in Misty Mountain Hop

Red: What's going on?
Kelso: Oh, just a classic case of hand stuck in vase.
Red: Well, get it off, or you'll have a classic case of foot stuck in ass.


Features in the collection: Red Forman: My Foot in Your Ass.

‘Red Forman: My Foot in Your Ass’

Quote from Red in On with the Show

Red: Have you been in bed all day?
Eric: Yeah, I have. I've been reading the Jack Kerouac classic On The Road. See, as I see it, why get out of bed when you can read about people who got out of bed?
Red: You have got to be the laziest non-communist I've ever met. And you are about to read a book that my foot wrote. It's called On The Road To In Your Ass.

Quote from Red in Till the Next Goodbye

Red: I can't believe that is what you idiots have been doing in my basement all these years!
[The background behind Red and Kitty sways as Eric stares at them]
Red: I wish I had 2,000 feet so I could put 500 of them in each of your asses!

 ‘Misty Mountain Hop’ Quotes

Quote from Kelso

Kitty: Steven, what's in the bag?
Kelso: The Packers winning next year's Super Bowl. That's what's in the bag.
Red: Is that what I think it is?
Kelso: If you mean paprika, yes, sir.
Kitty: Honey- Honey, paprika is red.
Kelso: If you mean green paprika, yes, sir!
Red: Green paprika?!
Kelso: Hyde, what am I looking for here?
Hyde: Oregano.
Kelso: If you mean oregano, yes, sir!

Quote from Hyde

Jackie: Oh, God. Steven, you know what? I thought you finally understood what being a couple was about.
Hyde: Well, what is being a couple? It's all about give-and-take, yin and yang. It's a philosophical paradox like a tree falling in the forest with no one around to hear it. Does it make a noise? Who's to say?
Jackie: Okay. You're just confusing me.
Hyde: You see? It's murky. That's what I'm up against.
Jackie: Oh, my God. What a load of crap!
Hyde: Who's to say what crap is?

Quote from Jackie

Jackie: Look, that stash wasn't his. It was mine.
Hyde: Jackie.
Jackie: Let me talk.
Kelso: Yeah, Hyde. Let her talk.
Jackie: Okay. Look, it's just- I've been having such a hard time since my dad's been in jail that I was looking for anything that just might make me feel better. Mrs. Forman, it's like you with your menopause and all that wine you're always drinking.
Kitty: Well, you shut your dirty, little mouth.