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Going Mobile

‘Going Mobile’

Season 6, Episode 24 - Aired May 19, 2004

Eric and Donna are both experiencing cold feet ahead of their wedding. Hyde and Fez battle it out for the role of best man. Meanwhile, Kelso meets Brook's mother, Carolyn (Morgan Fairchild).

Quote from Fez

Hyde: So, Forman nixed our best man idea. Apparently you wearing a giant trench coat and standing on my shoulders isn't classy.
Fez: Not classy? Did you tell him I'll be wearing a plastic flower that sprays water?


Quote from Jackie

Kitty: Laurie, it's bad luck for the groom to see the bride in a wedding dress. Make sure Eric doesn't come in.
Jackie: What, you want Laurie to guard the door? She's never kept a man out of anywhere in her entire life.
Kitty: That is not true. Jackie, watch the door.

Quote from Kelso

Brooke: Boy, wish I had a dollar for every awkward lunch I've had with my mom and a strange guy that knocked me up. [chuckles] Come on, guys, we have to get past this. The baby's coming in a month.
Carolyn: Oh, and Michael's willing to wait that long? I'm surprised he doesn't just honk his horn and try to scare it out in a week.
Kelso: Hey, if I wanted to scare a baby, I wouldn't honk. I'd wear a mask and make ghost sounds.
Carolyn: You were still rude. I think it's common courtesy to wait 30 seconds at a green light before honking. Pass the rolls, please. [Kelso doesn't respond] Pass the rolls, please.
Kelso: I will, but I feel it's common courtesy to wait 30 seconds before passing the rolls.
Brooke: Hey, I just remembered there's another room here. [exits]
Carolyn: So, Michael, I haven't told Brooke yet, but I'm here to take her home to Chicago to have the baby and live with me.
Kelso: What? No, but I'm not in Chicago.
Carolyn: That's its major attraction.
Kelso: Oh, yeah? Well, what about the lake?

Quote from Jackie

Donna: Jackie, do you think Eric and I are making a mistake?
Jackie: You are. But Eric's just praying this whole thing goes through before you notice.
Donna: No, I'm serious. Up until now, everything in our relationship has been really great. Our first date, our first kiss. You know, even getting engaged. But now, in the pit of my stomach, I feel really sick.
Jackie: Look, come on, Donna, you and Eric are meant to be together. You're like a fat girl and a cat. It just works, you know? Oh, come on. All right, look, I'm gonna go pick up my dress. And I'm gonna try not to look prettier than you, but I can't promise!

Quote from Hyde

Donna: Sorry I'm late.
Kitty: Oh, good! They're here. I told you everything would be fine. Eric and Donna are here.
Donna: What? No, Eric's not with me. He's not here?
Pamela: Oh, maybe he's stuck in traffic.
Hyde: What traffic? 90% of this town's population is in this room.

Quote from Kelso

Kelso: All right, look, you can't take Brooke to Chicago. We're gonna raise our baby together here, okay? We had it all figured out.
Carolyn: Oh, really? So, where were you going to live? Are you planning to get married? And who's gonna stay home with the baby?
Kelso: No... We figured out other stuff. Like she's gonna be the one that does the breast-feeding. And then, if someone needs to go bowling, I'll do it. Now, I appreciate your concern, but I'm gonna do what's best for my kid.
Carolyn: Well, then think, Michael. You're going away to the police academy for the next six months. You don't have the time to help Brooke raise a baby. I do. And I have a house and a backyard and an extra bedroom. And I love Brooke more than anything in the world. How can that not be what's best for her?
Brooke: [enters] So, um, how's the big argument going?
Kelso: All right, Brooke... Your mom and I thought that maybe since I'm gonna be at police academy that you might wanna have the baby in Chicago. You know, just so you have your mom there. Just for now.
Brooke: Oh, my God, Michael. Thank you so much.
Kelso: I'll come visit and it'll be great.
Carolyn: What do you know? You're a gentleman.
Kelso: And your daughter's a lady. Well, except for the bathroom sex that resulted in our child.

Quote from Jackie

Red: Kitty, Eric is over two hours late. Let's go home.
Donna: He's not late, Mr. Forman. He didn't show up because he doesn't want to marry me.
Fez: Hey, you don't know that. Maybe he's just playing hard to get.
Jackie: I'm gonna make him pay for this. I'm not strong, but I know a lot of ways to destroy men emotionally.
Hyde: I can vouch for that.
Jackie: Yeah.

Quote from Kitty

Kitty: Okay, okay. Let's just... Let's turn those frowns upside down. I know! We'll all go back to my house and enjoy the Mexican fiesta I prepared. I probably won't serve the tiny wedding cakes, since nobody's getting married. But there are three kinds of burritos.

Quote from Fez

Red: Well? Did you find Eric?
Hyde: No, and the Cruiser's gone. I also noticed that he took his retainer. So it's probably gonna be an overnighter.
Fez: I couldn't find him, either. I followed a trail of candy wrappers and it just circled back around to me.

Quote from Hyde

Hyde: [answers phone] Hello. Yeah, we kinda figured. Uh-huh. Well, do you wanna talk to her? She's sitting right here. Okay. [hangs up] Wrong number.
Donna: Hyde, what did he say?
Hyde: He said he's really sorry.
Donna: He's sorry? He left me the day before our wedding, and he's sorry? What... What does that mean?
Hyde: It means he's not coming. Not tonight, not to the wedding. He's gone.
Kelso: [enters] Man, I am glad to be here. I have had a rough day. Being around all this love and happiness oughta cheer me right up. I mean, this is a happy day. Look at all the love. Wait, hey, where's Eric?

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