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Don't Lie to Me

‘Don't Lie to Me’

Season 7, Episode 12 - Aired January 5, 2005

When Jackie returns a pair of Donna's shoes to a bridal shop, she pretends to be Donna so she can attend a big wedding expo. Meanwhile, Hyde forms a pact with Eric to break Kelso and Angie up.

Quote from Eric

Donna: Crap, it's Stacy Wanamaker.
Eric: Damn, I do wanna make her... Uh, go to beauty school 'cause she's ugly.


Quote from Fez

Stacy Wanamaker: You look familiar. Do I know you?
Donna: Um, yeah, hi. I'm Donna Pinciotti.
Stacy Wanamaker: Donna. Donna, she says she's Donna.
Jackie: Donna!
Eric: Donna!
Donna: Donna!
Fez: Donna! Eduardo.
Eric: No, she's Donna.
Stacy Wanamaker: Why would you lie? Are you even engaged? [Jackie runs off]
Fez: Well, I can't believe a prince was taken in by a common liar.

Quote from Donna

Hyde: Hey, how was the wedding?
Donna: Well, the service was beautiful, the flowers were gorgeous, and your girlfriend was a humiliating wackadoo.
Hyde: Jackie was there?
Kitty: [enters] Are we still walking from the car? This is taking forever.

Quote from Fez

Stacy Wanamaker: Janie. Janie? Has anyone seen the bride? The limo's waiting and the groom's gonna pass out any second. Janie?
[Stacy opens a closet and finds Janie making out with Fez]
Stacy Wanamaker: Janie, what are you doing?
Fez: What are you doing? Have a little respect for the bride. [closes door] [opens door] Unless you wanna join us. Yes? No?

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