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Lady Boss

‘Lady Boss’

Season 5, Episode 11 - Aired January 9, 2020

As Jonah takes up the cause of gender equality, some of the men at Cloud 9 rebel against the company's new female-led owner. Meanwhile, Dina and Garrett try to help Sandra stand up to Carol.

Quote from Marcus

Dan: So I'm paying, and then my wife comes up and tickles me right in front of my mechanic. [Earl grumbles] And she knew what she was doing.
Jonah: Thank you, so much, Dan, for sharing, um, but... perhaps going forward, we could all focus on... on the issues that we have here at... at work.
Dan: Well, it affects my work.
Mateo: It does. It really does.
Jonah: Amy, do you want to weigh in here?
Amy: No, I think it's okay for you to run this one by yourself.
Jonah: Okay, great. Great, great. Uh, gentlemen, it sounds to me like, uh, a lot of these frustrations stem from a sense of powerlessness. Which historically, has been something that women have had to deal contend with.
Marcus: Yeah, but they're not powerless anymore. I mean, Amy and Dina run the frickin' store. And now the new CEO? All men have left are the NFL and the country.
Earl: That's right!
Men: Yeah! [grumbling and chatter]


Quote from Dina

Jonah: Guys, look, feminism can exist without this feeling that something is being taken away from you, you know? And... and... and honestly, if you listen to... to what the women are saying...
Dina: What? What are "the women" saying, Jonah?
Jonah: Right, yes, yeah, yeah. That's a good... That's a good point. I think we should probably hear a few more, uh, female voices.
Dan: I'll give you a female voice. My wife: "Do this, do that. Ugh, I'm Donna!" [men laugh]
Dina: [laughs] I know I'm not being a very good feminist right now, but I've met his wife, and that was spot on.

Quote from Amy

Dan: Yeah, it feels kinda good. I mean, you know, I know I say I'm mad, but the truth is, I'm scared. I need this job. My wife would leave me if I couldn't provide for her, and I don't blame her.
Amy: [on the phone] Yes, yes, yes, this is store 1217. Ozark Highlands.
Marcus: Oh, my God. Are you on the phone?
Amy: Uh, just give me one second, please.
Jonah: Amy.
Amy: Yeah, I've been on hold all day long, just trying to get an answer to your question, actually.
Marcus: This man has dumped his guts out all over the floor, and you're on the phone.
Dan: Guys, she is not listening to us. We need to make her listen!

Quote from Glenn

Jonah: Glenn, you... you look like you... were you about to say something?
Glenn: I wanna say something! Amy, us men of the store are tired of taking orders from a woman.
Men: Yeah!
Glenn: And I think it's time that a man was in charge here.
Men: Yeah!
Jonah: Huh, you know, that's a good point. You could finally make a man floor supervisor.
Glenn: Yeah, Amy, I insist that you make me floor supervisor. It's high time that a man was third in charge here.
Mateo: I was floor supervisor.
Glenn: Third in charge again, as one was recently! [clapping and agreement]

Quote from Sayid

Dan: It's not enough.
Marcus: It's something, besides my legs are really cold.
Sayid: Hey, guys, I did get the shirt.

Quote from Amy

Marcus: Okay, Amy, we'll take it.
Amy: Okay, then I guess from now on you all answer to Glenn. A man. [all cheer] Who will report to me. It's a victory for men everywhere. Now get back to work.
Jonah: Good dialoguing. I feel like you really moved the needle today guys.

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