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Quote from Marcus in Lady Boss

Dan: So I'm paying, and then my wife comes up and tickles me right in front of my mechanic. [Earl grumbles] And she knew what she was doing.
Jonah: Thank you, so much, Dan, for sharing, um, but... perhaps going forward, we could all focus on... on the issues that we have here at... at work.
Dan: Well, it affects my work.
Mateo: It does. It really does.
Jonah: Amy, do you want to weigh in here?
Amy: No, I think it's okay for you to run this one by yourself.
Jonah: Okay, great. Great, great. Uh, gentlemen, it sounds to me like, uh, a lot of these frustrations stem from a sense of powerlessness. Which historically, has been something that women have had to deal contend with.
Marcus: Yeah, but they're not powerless anymore. I mean, Amy and Dina run the frickin' store. And now the new CEO? All men have left are the NFL and the country.
Earl: That's right!
Men: Yeah! [grumbling and chatter]

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