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Ground Rules

‘Ground Rules’

Season 6, Episode 8 - Aired February 4, 2021

Jonah has to train Sanda's son, Tony, when he starts work at Cloud 9. Mateo gives Cheyenne advice about being a better floor supervisor. Meanwhile, Dina decides to invite Garrett into her open relationship with Brian.

Quote from Garrett

Ken: Everybody wants a cart, but not me. I'm a basket guy. Because you come up to a narrow space with a cart, you're stuck. But me? I'm just Neo from The Matrix and I'm just like, "Whoa," bullet time my way all the way through, you know what I'm saying?
Garrett: Yeah, but what if you can't fit everything you need in a basket?
Ken: Oh, yeah. I thought about that. Two baskets, oh. [Brian enters the store]
Garrett: Oh, Brian. Oh, hey, Ken, uh... Could you tell me more about that two basket thing?
Ken: Dude, now everybody knows. Can't tell you nothing.


Quote from Dina

Garrett: Brian, wow, cool. Uh, have you talked to Dina yet?
Brian: I did talk to Dina, yes.
Dina: Brian, great. I'm so glad you're here. Garrett, we have big news.
Garrett: Oh.
Brian: Dina and I have talked and we've decided...
Dina: We're gonna have an open relationship!
Garrett: What?
Dina: You're gonna be our side piece.
Brian: Yeah. Well, you know, technically, I think he'd just be your side piece.
Dina: Well, what's my side piece is your side piece.
Brian: Shut up. [Dina giggles]

Quote from Jonah

Jonah: Nia's just really cool, you know? It's the first time I've actually been kind of excited about somebody since Amy.
Garrett: But you do know that there are women outside of the store, right?
Jonah: We have the same break today. I wonder if I should ask her out to that the Szechuan place. You know, maybe order something adventurous like level ten mapo tofu. Have a new experience?
Garrett: Look, man, I'd love to plan your imaginary date, but Dina asked me to be part of her open relationship.
Jonah: What? Wow. An open relationship? That's pretty cool, actually. You know, it's very modern. Trying to imagine if Nia and I would ever be the kind of couple that...
Garrett: Maybe see if she's up for dinner first.

Quote from Sandra

Sandra: Hey, guys.
Glenn: How are my chilly willies?
Jonah: I was actually just telling Tony that we need to speed up a little bit.
Sandra: Oh, he's probably hungry again. Here, go get a snack from the vending machine.
Tony: Can I get Rolos?
Sandra: Okay, but that's your sweet for the day.
Tony: Yeah, okay.

Quote from Glenn

Jonah: Uh, Sandra, we're actually very behind and Tony's having a lot of trouble with pacing. Do you think maybe you might be coddling him just a little bit?
Glenn: Oh, I see what this is. Jonah, I still care about you, too. There is no need to be jealous. Just because Tony's new and you don't have the best hair in the store anymore...
Jonah: Glenn, I'm not jealous, okay? I just... I want him to learn his job so that his coworkers don't have to micromanage him.
Glenn: Understood, you got it.
Jonah: Great.
Glenn: My special guy.

Quote from Jonah

Jonah: Oh, hey, Tony, bud, how come the fudge pops are not in the freezer? I told you they're melting.
Tony: I know, but there was no more room in the freezer.
Jonah: How could there not be enough room in the... [glass shatters] To... Why is there beer in the freezer? There's not an F on the box.
Tony: Uh, ice cold beer? It's, like, a thing. [glass shatters]
Jonah: This is a huge problem, Tony.
Tony: I mean, it's just stuff.
Jonah: Our whole job is stuff. Can't you just... Listen and follow directions? I swear, I just want to be done and go to lunch, you know? I'm sick of it.

Quote from Sandra

Sandra: Tony? What's wrong? Is there something in your eye? You want me to blow on it?
Tony: No... Jonah hit me.
Jonah: No, no.
Sandra: What? How dare you hit my son?
Jonah: Sandra, I swear...
Sandra: Does it make you feel like a big man, hitting a kid?
Jonah: [nervous laugh] That's... All right, Sandra, joke's over. Most of these people don't get it, but I do 'cause you're hilarious.
Sandra: Do I look like I'm laughing?
Jonah: [clears throat] All right, Tony. I'll catch you on the flip. Feel better, buddy.
Sandra: You touch him again, I will destroy you.
Jonah: She's not... It... We're... We're friends. I threw her an engagement party.
Sayid: Don't let Jonah throw you a party, everyone. Your kids will pay the price.

Quote from Jonah

Glenn: This is all my fault. Paying all that attention to shiny, new Tony while dusty, old Jonah sat on the shelf.
Jonah: No, that's not it. And we're not toys, Glenn. Sandra, it was just an accident, I swear.
Sandra: If it was such an accident, then why were you yelling at him when it happened?
Jonah: I wasn't yelling!
Glenn: Oh, God. He's doing it again.
Jonah: I wasn't yelling at Tony. It was more like lecturing. He just... He wasn't listening.
Isaac: Exactly. You had to make him listen.
Jonah: That's not what I meant.

Quote from Sandra

Jonah: Wow, Mateo. That was not okay.
Sandra: What, are you gonna hit him, too?
Jonah: No, Sandra. We've moved on.

Quote from Jonah

Jonah: Well, that got a little silly earlier, huh? [chuckles] This group likes to spin a tale. The thing is, a lot of them are pathological...
Nia: Oh, I don't think you hit Tony on purpose.
Jonah: Good, good, yeah, no. Just 'cause the case against me was surprisingly compelling.
Nia: No, you don't seem like a brawler. More like a library cards in multiple cities kind of guy.
Jonah: Chicago, Cincinnati, St. Louis. [Nia chuckles] Hey, so, uh, I was wondering if you wanted to maybe get dinner at this new Szechuan place.
Nia: Hold on. I'm a lesbian.
Jonah: Oh! Yeah. Yeah, right, yeah, duh. And not... Not duh like you're so obviously a lesbian. Just duh on me for just assuming you were straight.
Nia: Oh, it's okay.
Jonah: No, no, no, no. You were just being friendly and I'm, like, this heteronormative bull in a lesbian china shop.
Nia: Yeah, kinda. But it's not really your fault. Your generation is a little more rigid about gender and sexuality.
Jonah: Yeah, yeah.
Nia: Yeah.
Jonah: My... My generation separate from yours. Well, okay. This... Yeah, good, so this...
Nia: Yeah.
Jonah: This was... This was good.

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