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Cloud 9.0

‘Cloud 9.0’

Season 5, Episode 1 - Aired September 26, 2019

The staff worry about their jobs when Corporate sends a new robot to clean the store. Meanwhile, Marcus and Dina plot to set Mateo free following his detention, and Amy tries to help Cheyenne deal with her grief.

Quote from Cheyenne

Cheyenne: Hey. How are you?
Mateo: Good. I'm good.
Cheyenne: Okay, cool. Well, bye. [turns away]
Amy: No, Cheyenne.
Cheyenne: [turns back] So, um, do you wanna hear about all the bad outfits from the last week? I was taking photos on my phone for you, but they wouldn't let me bring my phone in.
Mateo: Oh, my God. Yes, please.
Cheyenne: Well, um, Justine wore her Rosé All Day T-shirt twice in a row.
Mateo: Jesus. And I'm the one who's locked up?


Quote from Jonah

Amy: Wow, this is so awesome. So many people came out to support Mateo.
Jonah: Yeah, yeah, and on such short notice, too. Only three hours to put it together. I think we even beat his family here.
Amy: Are you seriously bragging about how well you organized a vigil for your friend who was just detained by ICE today?
Jonah: No.

Quote from Marcus

Marcus: All right, I got burgers. Does anyone have buns, matches, or charcoal?
Garrett: Yeah, no, because this isn't a tailgate party. It's a candlelight vigil.

Quote from Glenn

Sandra: Um, I know this might be a weird time, but since we're all together, I have some exciting news.
Glenn: You know, when my church does a vigil, we always sing songs.
Amy: Yes! Let's do that.
Glenn: Okay, well, we start with "O Living Bread from Heaven," and then go straight into "Alas did my Savior Bleed."
Garrett: Ah, so mostly just Top 40 stuff?

Quote from Dina

Amy: So, um, I just wanna say that I think corporate wanted to make the robot seem not so intimidating to customers, so they gave it a name tag. It's a perfectly random name.
Dina: Okay.
Amy: It's just a random name.
Dina: Look at that, Glenn. Same name.
Glenn: It's not the same at all. I mean, look, it's spelled with one N. Like a serial killer.
Garrett: So corporate's not replacing us, but they sent us a robot to do our jobs and its name is Glen?

Quote from Dina

Amy: Meeting adjourned!
Sandra: Actually, I have an announcement. I haven't been able to find the right moment, but...
Dina: Damn it, Sandra. Meeting adjourned! Okay? We can't re-journ!

Quote from Jonah

Amy: But I do think we need to cool it a little with the union stuff. Corporate's is checking in every day. They are super paranoid. We need them to calm down. We can impress them with the Cloud 9.0 rollout and then when they least expect it, hit them with the union.
Jonah: Yeah, okay, makes sense.
Amy: Which is why I need you to watch the robot today. Just program its route.
Jonah: Wait, what? You want me to... You want me to train the thing that's here to replace us?
Amy: Jonah, come on. You're the only one I trust.
Jonah: Fine, I'll babysit the robot for one day. It's nice to hear that you trust me so much.
Amy: Don't make such a big deal out of it.
Jonah: Okay, it just feels good.

Quote from Dina

Sandra: Ooh, do these bridal magazines belong to anyone? 'Cause I might want to take a look.
Dina: Oh, my God, Sandra, do you ever stop talking?
Sandra: I...
Dina: Answer me!
Sandra: I don't know how to...
Dina: [groans] Just go. Sorry about that, guys.

Quote from Jonah

Cheyenne: Hey, get away from that! I said get away! [lunges at the robot]
Amy: Oh, my God! Cheyenne! Are you okay?
Jonah: Do you feel like Cheyenne's been acting weird lately?
Glenn: Get him, Cheyenne! He's after my wife!
Jonah: Probably asking the wrong person.

Quote from Cheyenne

Amy: So, good news. The robot is working fine, and there's no need to involve corporate, so I'm not gonna write you up.
Cheyenne: Okay, thanks, but you should know that robot's a dumbass. Everyone's been saying it.

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