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Black Friday

‘Black Friday’

Season 2, Episode 10 - Aired November 10, 2016

The Cloud 9 employees come down with food poisoning on the busiest shopping day of the year.

Quote from Mateo

Mateo: Please, everybody keep back and in line. It's a fire hazard.
Cheyenne: Also, if anyone finds a green hair thingy, it's mine. I dropped it on the way in. Green hair thingy.
Mateo: Super cute.


Quote from Glenn

Glenn: Okay, uh, quick question. Um, I'm trying to stay relaxed today, so Jerusha gave me these pills that she got after her train accident. I just want to make sure I won't get hooked.
Tate: [exhales] Alprazolam, Good, good times. Yeah, it's a low dose. You should be okay.
Glenn: Oh, okay.
Tate: Have you had anything to drink today?
Glenn: Uh, just three mugs of juice.
Tate: I think you'll be fine.
Glenn: Okay. No, I lied. It was seven mugs. I just didn't want you to judge me.
Tate: That's too much juice, Glenn.

Quote from Jonah

Jonah: Pretend I'm not here.
Amy: Why pretend when you could really just not be here?
Jonah: You know, everybody here is so jaded. This is exciting! This is fun. This is, like, the closest our country has to the running with the bulls in Pamplona.
Amy: Ugh.
Jonah: Okay, I'll shut up, sorry.
Amy: Wow, I just got really nauseous all of a sudden.
Jonah: Nauseated. I'm so sorry. That's, like, a reflex a mine. I'm working on it.

Quote from Glenn

Glenn: Okay, everyone, here's the sitch: It appears that everyone in the store got very ill from food poisoning, probably from our potluck. Oh well, sacré bleu. You know, stuff happens. As you can see, though, I am, uh... I am staying very calm. I took a pill. I don't think it did anything, though. Oh, I like this store.

Quote from Mateo

Cheyenne: I just wanna go home.
Mateo: I can't do this. I'm one of those people who hates being sick.
Amy: Hot take, Mateo.

Quote from Sandra

Amy: Okay, guys, I know we're bare bones, but we can still make this work. If Sandra could triple-cover Camping, Menswear, and Softlines... Sandra, you can do that, right?
Sandra: I guess if my knees were normal, but three different doctors said...

Quote from Dina

Dina: Hey, one TV per family. Listen, lady, I'm putting your face in my memory palace. Eyes too far apart, stringy hair. Ethnic nose. This isn't over! Oh, it's over.

Quote from Dina

Amy: Oh, and then we just need Herman to cover everything.
Dina: Herman hasn't worked here in six months.
Amy: Fine, then, you know what? I don't know how to make this work.
Mateo: If it makes you feel any better, this is probably all your fault. That stuffing you made tasted like burnt hair.
Amy: My stuffing is not what made us sick. If anything, it was probably Dina's weird tofu turkey thing.
Dina: You know what's weird? Eating the flesh off of a bird's bones, you savage.

Quote from Jonah

Jonah: Heather, reconfigure the LPOs, and then move 'em to the PRC.

Quote from Glenn

Glenn: [driving fork-lift at customers] Thank you so much for shopping at Cloud 9.
Woman: Oh, sir, you accidentally drove over my daughter's doll!
Glenn: Not accidentally.

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