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The Smelly Car

‘The Smelly Car’

Season 4, Episode 21 - Aired April 15, 1993

Jerry and Elaine are haunted by the body odor of the restaurant valet who parked his car. Meanwhile, George is stunned when he runs into Susan and her new partner.

Quote from Jerry

Restaurateur: What do you mean, "stunk up"?
Jerry: I mean the car stinks! George, does the car stink?
George: Stinks.
Jerry: Stinks!
Restaurateur: Well, perhaps you're the one who has the odor.
Jerry: Hey, I've never smelled in my life, buddy!
Restaurateur: Really? Well, I smell you now.
Jerry: That's from the car!
Restaurateur: Well, maybe you're the one who stunk up the car, rather than the car stinking up you!
George: Oh, it's the chicken and the egg.
Jerry: Thank you very much. Well, then go out and smell the car; see which smells worse.
Restaurateur: I don't have time to smell cars.
George: Forget about smelling the car. Smell the valet. Go to the source.
Jerry: You've gotta smell the car.
Restaurateur: I'm a busy man
Jerry: Come on! One whiff!
Restaurateur: All right, one whiff.


Quote from Jerry

Restaurateur: All right, I give up! I admit it! It stinks! Now will you let me out!
Jerry: All right, will you pay for the cleaning?
Restaurateur: Yes! 50 dollars! I'll give you 50 dollars!
Jerry: 50 dollars? I don't think that's gonna cover it.
Restaurateur: Whatever you want. I'll give you whatever you want.
Jerry: I want half, 125.
Restaurateur: Yes! Yes! 125 is good. Now could you please open the door!
Jerry: All right.
Restaurateur: Let me out of here.

Quote from George

George: Oh, my God.
Jerry: What?
George: The video! Someone stole the video right out the car.
Jerry: Someone stole "Rochelle Rochelle"?
Restaurateur: Well, you left the window open.
Jerry: We had to air out the car.
George: You should pay for that.
Restaurateur: I'm not paying for that. They already got my seven dollars. [sarcastically] "...erotic journey from Milan to Minsk".

Quote from Elaine

Carl: The valet had such bad B.O.?
Elaine: Oh, man, just rampant, mutant B.O. The "O" went from the valet's "B", to the car, to me. It clings to everything. Jerry thinks it's an entity. But I showered and I shampoo'ed, so...
Carl: That's a relief. [hugs Elaine, recoils]
Elaine: What?
Carl: It's still there.
Elaine: No, no, no! It can't be! I shampoo'ed! I rinsed! I repeated! I don't smell anything. Here, take another smell.
Carl: No. No. No. Please.

Quote from George

George: Listen, I gotta ask you. I was a little concerned that perhaps I was responsible in some way for your, uh... metamorphosis.
Clerk: That'll be $98.00.
George: What $98.00?
Clerk: That's what I said. $98.00.
George: How could that piece of crap cost $98.00!?
Susan Ross: George, I really have to-
George: Do you believe this? $98?! Do you have any cash?
Susan Ross: I guess.
George: I need, like, $35. Thanks.
George: So, was it me?
Susan Ross: Oh, don't be ridiculous! Is that what you wanted to talk to me about? [gives him $35] Here.
George: Oh, thanks. Thanks a lot. I'll pay you back.
Susan Ross: Yeah, sure. I gotta go.

Quote from George

George: Listen. Let me ask you something. If you and Mona were ever to... dance, how do you decide who leads? I mean, do you take turns? Do you discuss it beforehand? How does that work?
Susan Ross: You're an idiot.
George: Why? That's a legitimate sociological question.
Susan Ross: I'll see you. Oh, and George, by the way, you stink. You need a bath.
George: It's not me. It's the car!

Quote from George

George: I know what you're going through. Women. Who knows what they want?
Susan Ross: Well, I just don't know what she sees in Kramer.
George: Listen, you're beautiful. You're intelligent. You'll meet other girls.
Susan Ross: You think so?
George: Yes, I know so. You happen to be a very eligible lesbian.
Susan Ross: You're very sweet.
George: Hey, I know what I'm talking about. I gotta be honest with you, I gotta tell you... Ever since I saw you holding hands with that woman, I can't get you out of my mind.
Susan Ross: Really?
George: Yeah, you're just so... hip.

Quote from Susan Ross

George: Oh, my God.
Susan Ross: What?
George: It's Allison. I dated her right after you. She's obsessed with me.
Allison: George?
George: Allison! Hi! Oh, my God! How are you?
Allison: Good. You know, you owe me $50.
George: Fifty dollars. Right, right. I don't have it on me. Allison, this is Susan. Susan, Allison.
Allison: Nice to meet you.
Susan Ross: Nice to meet you.
Allison: That's a beautiful vest.
Susan Ross: Thank you.

Quote from Jerry

Kramer: I don't understand it. I was with her last night in my apartment; it was very romantic. You know, with that fake wood wallpaper, the atmosphere is fabulous in there, now. It's like a ski lodge.
Salesman: What year did you say this was?
Jerry: '90.
Kramer: Anyway, we were on the couch, I move to hug her, next thing she tells me she's leaving; she's got to get up early.
Jerry: That's strange.
Salesman: How many miles you got on this thing?
Jerry: 23,000.
Kramer: And I was looking good, too. I had a nice, new shirt on, I'm wearing your jacket.
Jerry: Wait a second. My jacket! I wore that in the car! The Beast!
Salesman: [wretches, gets out of the car] I can't sell this car.
Jerry: This... thing... has got to be stopped!

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