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The Smelly Car

‘The Smelly Car’

Season 4, Episode 21 - Aired April 15, 1993

Jerry and Elaine are haunted by the body odor of the restaurant valet who parked his car. Meanwhile, George is stunned when he runs into Susan and her new partner.

Quote from Elaine

Elaine: I can't believe you ski!
Carl: I'm a great skier.
Elaine: Yeah? What else?
Carl: Let's see. I ski, I fish, I pillage, I plunder...
Elaine: [delightedly] Oh! You "pillage and plunder"?
Carl: When I travel.
Elaine: See? Finally, finally I get to meet a man who pillages and plunders! I'm so lucky.
[As they kiss, Carl gets a sniff of something less-than-appealing on Elaine]


Quote from George

George: [inner monologue] Hey, what do you know? Look at that! A lesbian sighting. Oh-ho! My lucky day. They're so fascinating. Why is that? Because they don't want us. You gotta respect that. Oh, my God! It's Susan! What do I do?
Susan Ross: George?
George: [inner monologue] Argh! [out loud] Susan! Hi! Oh, boy! What are you doing here?!
Susan Ross: Renting a video! What do you got there?
George: Oh, some stupid movie.
Susan Ross: This is Mona.
George: Oh, hi... [haltingly extends an his hand for a handshake]
Mona: Pleasure to meet you.
George: Yes. Well...

Quote from George

Susan Ross: You okay?
George: Yeah. Yes! I just haven't seen you in a long time.
Susan Ross: And you didn't expect me to be holding hands with a woman.
George: Oh, please! Me? Come on! That's great! Are you kidding? I think that's fantastic! I've always encouraged experimentation! I'm the first guy in the pool! Who do you think you're talking to?
Susan Ross: I know who I'm talking to.
George: Of course you do... It's just, uh, y'know, I-I never knew, uh, that, uh...
Susan Ross: I liked women?
George: There you go. So, uh, how long has this been going on?
Susan Ross: Since you and I broke up.
George: So after me, you... went that way?
Susan: Yeah.
George: Oh, I think that's fantastic. Good for you. Nice. That's very nice.

Quote from George

Susan Ross: So, what have you got there?
George: Oh, I, uh--
Susan Ross: Oh, "Rochelle Rochelle".
George: It's a foreign movie. A film, is what it is, actually.
Susan Ross: Yeah. A lot of nudity in that, huh?
George: No, no, no. Just a tiny bit. It's not even frontal nudity. It's... side-al nudity.

Quote from Jerry

Elaine: Listen, let me ask you something. When you're with a guy, and he tells you he has to get up early, what does that mean?
Jerry: It means he's lying.
Elaine: Wow.
Jerry: Why? Is that what he told you?
Elaine: Yeah, last night. Oh, come on. Men have to get up early some times.
Jerry: No. Never.
Elaine: Jerry! I'm sure I've seen men on the street early in the morning.
Jerry: Well, sometimes we do actually have to get up early, but a man will always trade sleep for sex.
Elaine: Is it possible I'm not as attractive as I think I am?
Jerry: Anything's possible.

Quote from Kramer

Jerry: What's the matter with you?
Kramer: Steinbrenner! He's ruining my life.
Jerry: Oh yeah, Steinbrenner.
Kramer: I don't think I can take another season with him, Jerry. He'll just trade away their best young prospects, just like he did with Buhner, McGee, Drabeck... McGriff...
Jerry: I know the list.

Quote from Jerry

Kramer: What's that smell?
Jerry: What smell?
Kramer: Ooh. You stink.
Jerry: What do you mean I stink?
Kramer: You stink. Why don't you go take a shower?
Jerry: I showered! Oh, wait a second. Since I showered, I've been in the car!
Elaine: So?
Jerry: Don't you see what's happening here? It's attached itself to me! It's alive!
Elaine: If it attached itself to you... [gasps] Oh, my God! That's why Carl said he had to get up early! Because I stink! Jerry, he thinks I have B.O.! Me!

Quote from Jerry

George: What is that? B.O.?
Jerry: Yeah.
George: This is unbelievable B.O.
Jerry: I know. I was at the car wash this morning and the guy told me in his 38 years in the business, he's never smelled anything like it.

Quote from George

George: So, let me ask you. Do you think I could have done this?
Jerry: No, no. It's the valet guy.
George: No, no, I mean, driving Susan to lesbianism.
Jerry: Oh. No, that's ridiculous.
George: What if her experience with me drove her to it?
Jerry: Suicide, maybe, not lesbianism.

Quote from George

George: The woman she's "lesbianing" with? Susan told me she's never been with a guy. Oh, this isn't even B.O.! This is beyond B.O.! It's B.B.O.!
Jerry: There should be a B.O. squad that patrols the city like a Smell Gestapo. To sniff 'em out, strip 'em down, and wash 'em with a big, soapy brush.
George: You know, the funny thing is, somehow I find her more appealing now. It's like if I knew she was a lesbian when we went out, I never would've broken up with her.
Jerry: Let me see if I understand this. On second thoughts... [doesn't bother]

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