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The Pony Remark

‘The Pony Remark’

Season 2, Episode 2 - Aired January 30, 1991

Jerry feels responsible for his aunt's untimely death.

Quote from Jerry

Helen Seinfeld: I hear the fella owns a couple of racehorses. You know, trotters, like at Yonkers.
Jerry: Horses. They're like big riding dogs.
Elaine: What about ponies? What kind of abnormal animal is that? And those kids who had their own ponies..
Jerry: I know, I hated those kids. In fact, I hate anyone that ever had a pony when they were growing up.
Manya: I had a pony.
Jerry: Well, I didn't really mean a pony, per se.
Manya: When I was a little girl in Poland, we all had ponies. My sister had pony. My cousin had pony. So, what's wrong with that?
Jerry: Nothing. Nothing at all. I was just merely expressing...


Quote from Jerry

Kramer: Oh, hi. I just came to say goodbye. Need any help with those?
Morty Seinfeld: It's nothing. I got it. So, how are your levels coming along?
Kramer: Oh, well, I decided I'm not gonna do it.
Jerry: Really? What a shock.

Quote from Jerry

Jerry: [answers phone] Hello? No, oh, hi. No, they just left. Oh, my God. Hang on a second. Maybe I can still catch them. [yells out the window] Ma! Ma! Up here! Don't get in the cab! Manya died! Manya died!

Quote from Morty Seinfeld

Helen Seinfeld: Who did you talk to?
Jerry: Uncle Leo.
Helen Seinfeld: And when's the funeral?
Jerry: I don't know. He said he'd call back.
Morty Seinfeld: You know what this means, don't you? We lost the supersaver. Those tickets are non-refundable.

Quote from Morty Seinfeld

Helen Seinfeld: I don't have a dress to wear. And you. You don't have anything.
Morty Seinfeld: I got a sport jacket.
Helen Seinfeld: You're not wearing that to a funeral.
Morty Seinfeld: What's wrong with it?
Helen Seinfeld: It looks ridiculous.
Morty Seinfeld: What, I'm gonna buy a new jacket now?
Jerry: I don't know what to do.
Morty Seinfeld: You know what this funeral's gonna wind up costing me? Oh boy!

Quote from Jerry

Elaine: I actually like ponies. I was just trying to make conversation. What time's your game?
Jerry: Two Forty-Five.
Elaine: And what time's the funeral?
Jerry: Two o' clock.
Elaine: How long does a funeral take?
Jerry: Depends on how nice the person was. But you gotta figure, even Oswald took forty-five minutes.
Elaine: So you can't do both?
Jerry: You know, if the situation were reversed and Manya had some Mahjong championship or something, I wouldn't expect her to go to my funeral. I would understand.

Quote from Elaine

Elaine: You know, funerals always make me think about my own mortality and how I'm actually going to die someday. Me, dead. Imagine that.

Quote from Elaine

Jerry: Fifty years they were married. Now he's moving to Phoenix.
Elaine: Phoenix? What's happening with his apartment?
Jerry: I don't know. They've been in there since, like, World War II. The rent's three hundred a month.
Elaine: Three hundred a month? Oh, my God.

Quote from Jerry

Eulogist: Although this may seem like a sad event, it should not be a day of mourning, for Manya had a rich, fulfilling life. She grew up in a different world - a simpler world - with loving parents, a beautiful home in the country, and from what I understand, she even had a pony. [Jerry throws his hands up in the air] Oh, how she loved that pony. Even in her declining years, whenever she would speak of it, her eyes would light up. Its lustrous coat, its flowing mane. It was the pride of Krakow. [Jerry sinks in his seat]

Quote from Elaine

Elaine: So, I understand you're moving to Phoenix?
Isaac: Yeah, my brother lives there. I think Manya would've liked Phoenix.
Elaine: Mmm. Gorgeous, exquisite town. What- What's happening with your apartment?
Isaac: Of course, it's very hot there. I'll have to get an air conditioner.
Elaine: Oh, you can have mine. I'll ship it out to you. But what about that big apartment on West End Avenue?
Isaac: Although they say it's a dry heat.
Elaine: Dry, wet.. what's happening with your apartment?
Isaac: I don't even know if I should take my winter clothing.
Elaine: I have an idea. Leave the winter clothing in the apartment, and I'll watch it for you and I'll live there and I'll make sure that nothing happens to it.
Isaac: Oh, the apartment. Jeffrey's taking the apartment.
Elaine: Oh, Jeffrey.
Jerry: You know Jeffery?
Elaine: Yeah, from what I understand, he works for the Parks Department.

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