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The Conversion

‘The Conversion’

Season 5, Episode 11 - Aired December 16, 1993

George decides to change his religion after his girlfriend breaks up with him because he's not Latvian Orthodox. Jerry is curious why his girlfriend has a fungus cream.

Quote from George

George: Can I say one word to you? Lobster. The lobster here is unbelievable. [looks at menu] Ooh, a little expensive.
Tawni: Twenty five dollars.
George: Yes, well, you know, I'm not thinking about the price. You know, you're the only woman I've never thought about the price. Get the lobster. I beg you to get the lobster. Go for the lobster.
Tawni: George. George, uh, I think we have to talk. I think we have a problem.
George: We do?
Tawni: We can't keep seeing each other.
George: Why?
Tawni: [crying] Because it's over. [sobs] It's my parents, George. The differences in our religion. Oh George, can you ever forgive me? [sobs]
Waiter: Uh, have you decided yet?
Tawni: [crying] Yes. I'll have the lobster.
George: Um, you know, I'm starting to think that maybe lobster isn't the way to go.


Quote from Jerry

Jerry: What? He asked you out?
Elaine: Well, we started to talk, and I told him that I jog, and then he put his hand on my heart.
Jerry: On your heart?
Elaine: Jerry, the man is a doctor.
Jerry: Doctor? He's a podiatrist.
Elaine: So? It's the same thing.
Jerry: Anyone can get into podiatry school. George got into podiatry school.
Elaine: Really?

Quote from George

Elaine: I think it would be romantic.
George: Really?
Elaine: Yeah, it's like Edward VIII abdicating the throne to marry Mrs. Simpson. Ooh.
George: King Edward. [snaps fingers] King Edward, Jerry.
Jerry: Yeah. Well, King Edward didn't live in Queens with Frank and Estelle Costanza.
George: You know what? I could probably do this. What's the difference?
Elaine: George, I was just kidding around.
George: No. I wouldn't even have to tell her. I could surprise her.
Elaine: George I wasn't serious.
George: How hard could it be? You make a little contribution. You have a ceremony. I am going to think about this. I am really going to think about this. [exits]
Elaine: I guess this one is my fault.
Jerry: Oh, yeah.

Quote from Jerry

Jerry: Fungicide. I mean what could she have?
Elaine: I don't know.
Kramer: Fungus.
Elaine: So what did you say?
Jerry: I said I was coming down with the flu or something and I had to go home.
Elaine: What were you doing opening her medicine cabinet?
Jerry: I didn't open it. It was open. I just nudged it a little.
Elaine: You were snooping.
Jerry: I was not snooping. I did not break the seal. There was no breaking and entering. I wouldn't do that.

Quote from Kramer

Jerry: Oh, a slinky. Where did you get it?
Kramer: Sister Roberta gave it to me.
Jerry: Why did she give you that?
Kramer: I think she liked me.
Jerry: What do you mean she liked you?
Kramer: Liked me.
George: Kramer, they like everybody. They're friendly people.
Kramer: No, no, no. I think I picked up on a vibe.
Jerry: You picked up on a vibe from a nun.
Kramer: Yeah. Jerry, I'm telling you I have this power. And I have no control over it.

Quote from George

George: She likes you.
Jerry: Yeah, but there's a problem. I found a tube of a fungicide in her medicine cabinet.
George: So?
Jerry: So, I don't know what she's using it for.
George: Well, how do you even know it's hers? Maybe it belonged to Carol. Did you see a name on the tube?
Jerry: I didn't even think to look.
George: Well, take a look. It might not even belong to her.
Jerry: Yeah.
George: People always leave old things in their medicine cabinet.
Jerry: Yeah, I've got this old bottle of cough medicine.
George: I still have Brylcreem.

Quote from George

Jerry: What are you doing?
George: What does it look like I'm doing?
Jerry: [looks at the back of George's hand] "Matthew, Luke, Paul", what you're cheating on your conversion test?

Quote from Kramer

Kramer: I told you she liked me.
Jerry: Who?
Kramer: Sister Roberta.
Jerry: How do you know?
Kramer: She told me. She said she's never had a man stir up all of these feelings inside of her. She's questioning her faith. She's thinking of leaving the church. Oh, uh, this power. Look what I'm doing. I'm dangerous, Jerry. I'm very, very dangerous.

Quote from Jerry

Jerry: But once you put medicine in your cabinet, you're never using it again. Any medicine that you're using is on the sink. It's not really like a medicine cabinet. It's really like an ointment museum, isn't it? It's like, "Here's a salve from 1983. Some cream from the '70s. But you want to keep it private, because a medicine cabinet is a place that reveals our weaknesses and it can really throw off the balance between two people that might be going out. Somebody peeks in there and, "Oh, I see Mr. Perfect needs tough actin' Tinactin." Well, I'll be calling the relationship shots from now."

Quote from George

Tawni: You did that for me?
George: Well, I didn't do it for my mother. [chuckles]
Tawni: I'm really flattered. But I just don't feel ready to make a commitment yet. Maybe when I get back from Latvia.
George: Latvia?
Tawni: Yes. I'm going to stay with some relatives there for a year. Isn't it great?
George: Enjoy, enjoy.
Tawni: Oh, George. You are so sweet. Don't ever change. Mwah.
George: [to the waitress, with Tawni's sandwich] I'd like a doggie bag for this please.

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