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The Jazzaguy

‘The Jazzaguy’

Season 4, Episode 8 - Aired March 13, 2018

As Johnny tries to spend more time with Moira, he finds himself joining the Jazzagals for rehearsals. Meanwhile, Stevie tries to get David over his separation from Patrick with a spa day, and Alexis joins a dating app and matches with Ted's veterinary rival.

Quote from Moira

Moira: There was a time when this dusky charmer used to constantly whisk me off to ports unknown.


Quote from Moira

Jocelyn: Actually Johnny, Ronnie could always use another baritone, why don't you join us?
Johnny: Oh, no. No, I'm just here to show support. So, as you were.
Moira: Oh, my husband, the portrait of self-effacement. You should all know that this man's voice melted more than a few hearts.

Quote from Moira

Twyla: Ah, Mrs. Rose, I didn't know there were two singers in the family.
Moira: Well, professionally speaking there's still only one. But I do applaud the vigour with which you embrace recreational activities such as this, Mr. Rose.
Johnny: Well, anything to spend a little more time with my special little songbird.
Moira: Ooh. Okay ladies, if you don't mind, I'm going to allow my husband to steal me away, for a modest repast across the avenue.

Quote from Alexis

Alexis: I used to date Ted.
Miguel: I'm sorry?
Alexis: Ted Mullins? He's the veterinarian.
Miguel: No, no, no, I know who Ted is.
Alexis: Okay cool, I just felt like we were being honest with each other.
Miguel: Wait, weren't you his receptionist?
Alexis: Executive Assistant. And yes, but only for like a minute.
Miguel: But you guys were engaged?
Alexis: Um, very briefly.
Miguel: Uh-huh.
Alexis: And just twice. And we've both moved on. He has a girlfriend now, and apparently they're like very serious.

Quote from Moira

Moira: I realize I take one thing for granted in this town.
Johnny: Oh, Moira.
Moira: My time with the Jazzagals.
Johnny: Ah.
Moira: As sad as it sounds, these rehearsals have become a tiny oasis in the echo-y canyon that I now call my social life. I don't know if you've noticed, John, but this transition has not been the easiest for me.
Johnny: I can't say that I have not noticed.
Moira: Aside from rehearsals, few things keep me going. My nightly sleeps, afternoon naps, and of course meals with my husband.
Johnny: And there will be more of those.
Moira: But John, I have so few pleasures, that if I start combining them, then I'll have even less to look forward to.

Quote from David

David: This would be a really sweet moment, if what we had just admitted to each other wasn't so sad.
Stevie: Sadder? When you were in the bathroom, I finished the rest of the lover's curry.
David: Okay, you'll be sleeping in the bathtub tonight.
Stevie: I understand.

Quote from Moira

Johnny: Well, honey, I don't think you should let one embarrassing encounter colour your experience, on Bumper.
Alexis: Bump-kin.
Moira: So you upload your photo, and The Bumpkin sends it to local singles.
Alexis: It's not called The Bumpkin.
Moira: Okay. Oh, here's one. Isaac, 31, works on his family's farm. Certainly loves to take pictures of himself in waterfalls. Though harvesting crops does produce a nicely-sculpted physique.

Quote from Moira

Alexis: Okay, gimme my phone.
Johnny: Oh, Alexis, look, you've just Bumpkined with Jebediah.
Alexis: What? Ew!
Johnny: Oh, and now we're back to Ray.
Alexis: Ew!
Moira: How did Ray get such a beautiful bathroom?

Quote from Alexis

David: Oh my god, Alexis, I am suffering romantically right now, and there was a minute when I thought I would never have to look at another dating app, and here you are shoving Bumpkins in my face.
Alexis: It's Bumpkin with a wink emoji.

Quote from Alexis

David: What's "bumpkin"?
Alexis: What? Nothing. Gimme that.
David: Oh, my God, is this a dating app?
Alexis: It's an online social hub for rural singles, if you must know, David. I signed Twyla up.
David: Well, why does it say Alexis you have a new match?
Alexis: Research. I was testing the water for her, David. Poor thing's clueless.

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