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The Hike

‘The Hike’

Season 5, Episode 13 - Aired April 2, 2019

Patrick and David go on a romantic hike. Meanwhile, Moira, Stevie and Roland rush Johnny to the hospital, and Twyla gives Alexis a tarot card reading.

Quote from Twyla

Twyla: Is there water near where you're going?
Ted: Yeah, we're going to an island.
Alexis: Ooh! I forgot it was an island!
Twyla: And are there boats near the water?
Ted: Yeah, there are boats on the water. Oh, we can charter this catamaran at sunset.
Twyla: Yeah, so I see a boat capsizing.
Alexis: What?
Twyla: People screaming. And a couple, like, under water. And then it sort of fades to black.


Quote from Twyla

Ted: No, wait come on, you can't actually see that in these cards.
Twyla: Well, I also need to interpret the cards.
Ted: Okay, so maybe you could interpret something a little more positive?
Twyla: Oh, I also see a party. People dressed up all fancy in black.
Alexis: Like a black and white party?
Twyla: Mm, more like a funeral.

Quote from David

David: Did we really need two backpacks? I mean, what are you keeping in these things?
Patrick: Well, you had a pretty long list, and we needed ice packs to keep the cheese that you requested cold.
David: Well, did I get the ice pack one? Because this is not light. Just wonder why we couldn't have found a meadow somewhere, you know, with some men on horseback like, trotting in the background.

Quote from Moira

Moira: John, if you make it through-
Stevie: When!
Moira: When what?
Stevie: When he pulls through!
Moira: Yes! Everything will change, John. We are going to eat healthier. No, well... Not less... Less wine at dinner. I'll have to keep the pills, but I'm not one who's the health risk here.
Stevie: Mrs. Rose, you really need to sit down, because at this point I feel like I am at risk of heart failure.

Quote from Roland

Roland: Okay, Johnny, um I figured you were probably hungry, so um, I got you some snacks; here's some chips. And then, this, Johnny, is an energy drink. So that you can stay awake.
Stevie: No! He shouldn't be having any of that. Will you stop going to the vending machine?
Roland: I'm sorry, Stevie, hospitals make me nervous. The last time I was in one was with Lenny. Although he didn't stay very long.
Moira: Oh, my God!
Stevie: What is wrong with you?!

Quote from Alexis

Ted: Whatcha doin' there?
Alexis: Um, just being on the internet.
Ted: Alexis, that's just an image search for intense boating disasters?
Alexis: I just wanted to know what I would look like after a catamaran accident.

Quote from Alexis

Ted: Come on, you can't tell me that you actually believe Twyla's card reading.
Alexis: Of course not. We're just like, super-duper sure that this is the vacation we want to be taking?
Ted: What? This is not a vacation. I'm going for work. And look, if you're scared of drowning, we don't have to go on the catamaran tour.
Alexis: Oh, it's more than that, Ted. I don't know what's wrong with me. I've been travelling the world since I was a teen model. But something about this just feels different.
Ted: Is this about the juice stand? Because I told you, we can just make our own. There's fruit literally everywhere.

Quote from David

David: Okay, so how should I set up the picnic?
Patrick: Yeah, I think it might be a bit late for that. Why don't we, uh, why don't we just take in the view for a little while, and then we'll save the picnic for another day?
David: Okay, I didn't carry you up a mountain not to eat cheese after, so...

Quote from Patrick

Patrick: I don't know, David.
David: Okay, just tell me what to do, and I'll set it all up!
Patrick: Okay, fine. Um, in the red bag there's a blanket, you can take that out and lay it down.
David: Okay. This is nice.
Patrick: Uh, in the second bag, there is a bundle of crackers and cheese.
David: Uh excuse moi!
Patrick: And champagne. Hmm! And uh, just one more thing. Um, if you go into that front pocket there, there's actually something.

Quote from David

David: Okay, there's no service here.
Patrick: David, put your phone down. We don't need service, we have each other.
David: Well, if you can track my eBay bid, then, by all means.

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