Moira Quote #560

Quote from Moira in The Plant

Jocelyn: I'm here! I got a sitter!
Moira: Oh, Jocelyn, I'm afraid that dirigible has ascended.
Jocelyn: But I'm here on time.
Moira: Yes, you are, but we started an hour early. Ronnie has a massage.
Jocelyn: You moved the rehearsal for Ronnie's massage?
Moira: Well, it was also conducive to Twyla's schedule. It's hard for her to juggle, what with the cafe.
Jocelyn: Oh, is it hard for her? To juggle? And none of you here thought to tell me about this little time change?
Moira: You said you couldn't make it because of the bébé.


Features in the collections: Moira Rose Bebe Quotes, The Vocabulary of Moira Rose.

‘Moira Rose Bebe Quotes’

Quote from Moira in Roadkill

Johnny: When might we expect your daughter to show up? Because we do have a very busy day ahead of us.
Hank: Well, Baby's still sleeping. But if you wanna go and wake her up, tell her what happened, by all means.
Moira: Where is bébé's chamber?
Hank: [floorboards creak] Oh, there she is now. She's either up, or takin' a leak.
Moira: Either way, great progress for bébé.

Quote from Moira in Lawn Signs

Johnny: You took your signs? I didn't know you took the signs. Why would you take your own signs?
Moira: Well, I couldn't very well take Jocelyn's. That would be stealing and I'm running a clean campaign.
Johnny: You call this a clean campaign?
Moira: Politics 101, John. When you have limited resources, your best course of action is to create a stir. It's exciting. It's fun. It's like that episode of Sunrise Bay when I stole my own bébé.

‘The Vocabulary of Moira Rose’

Quote from Moira in Opening Night

David: Um, Jake, this is my mother.
Jake: Listen, I'm really sorry, I didn't think anybody would be home.
David: Okay, nobody was supposed to be home. Nobody was supposed to be home, so... You were supposed to be at lunch, why- Why are- Why were you not at lunch?!
Moira: David, stop acting like a disgruntled pelican!

Quote from Moira in The Olive Branch

Moira: After a glut of unasinous ideas put forth today, the room is suddenly bombilating with anticipation. Can we feel that? It's almost as though we're building towards some sort of inevitable climax.

 ‘The Plant’ Quotes

Quote from Ray

Patrick: I've actually seen a few photos of this place, it looks pretty good.
David: Yeah, the facade would indicate otherwise, but I trust you on this.
Patrick: Oh. You know, when I moved here and got a room with Ray, I didn't know how long I was gonna be staying.
David: Mmm-hmm.
Patrick: And now here we are.
Ray: For me this is bittersweet because on the one hand, I could lose you as a roommate, Patrick, but on the other, I would gain the commission.

Quote from Ray

Patrick: Fireplace?
David: Yeah, which I'm sure would heat the room quite quickly, considering it's just one big open space.
Patrick: I like the exposed brick. It's actually a pretty decent size.
David: Yeah. Speaking of size, Ray, I've yet to see a closet. Is there a is there a walk-in that I'm missing?
Ray: Oh, the closet is right over here. This is what small-space realtors refer to as, a "step-in" closet.

Quote from Alexis

Alexis: Oh, David. We have a V-VIP staying with us at the moment. So do you mind staying at Patrick's tonight? Your vibe can be a bit intense.
David: Um, excuse me? If anything, I'm a selling point. And Patrick's is a no-go. If fact, he just texted me the address of a new apartment that we might be going to see together later, so...
Alexis: Um, did I leave a Q-tip in, or did you just tell me that you guys are getting an apartment together?
David: Hey, we're just going to look.
Alexis: Yeah, and Adam Levine and I just went for bubble tea.