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The Set Up

‘The Set Up’

Season 2, Episode 13 -  Aired January 14, 2010

To help her move on from Dave, Ann sets Leslie up on a date. Meanwhile, Ron tasks Tom with finding him an assistant.

Quote from Leslie Knope

Leslie Knope: I don't know about this.
Chris: Well, I'm offering you a free scan. It usually costs up to $2,000. I'm kind of spoiling you here.
Leslie Knope: Well, I am a little curious.
Chris: Good. Frankly, I don't want to invest in someone who only has three months to live.
Leslie Knope: [chuckles] Oh.
[aside to camera:]
Leslie Knope: I'm treating this as an adventure. Who knows, maybe some day we'll tell our grandkids about how weird our first date was. And how creepy their grandfather was.


Quote from April

April: I want to be your assistant.
Ron Swanson: Really? You hate it here.
April: So do you. I'll make sure you don't have to go to any meetings. If anyone comes to see you, I'll scare them away.
Tom: Wait, April, if you had to choose between these two ties...
[April closes the door on Tom]
Ron Swanson: You're hired.
[aside to camera:]
April: I just figured I might as well get paid for being here.

Quote from Leslie Knope

Leslie Knope: [aside to camera] I'm back on the horse, and this horse is a lawyer, so I'm looking forward to riding him. No, wait.

Quote from April

April: Where are you going?
Jerry: I want to talk to Ron about the size of my desk.
April: Jerry, you have to schedule an appointment.
Jerry: Okay. How about now?
April: Ron's not here.
Jerry: He's right there. I can see him.
April: I'll let you know when he's available.
Ron Swanson: Attagirl.

Quote from Ron Swanson

[After Ron smashes his cell phone:]
Tom: How do you know that was a member of the public and not just a friend?
Ron Swanson: Yeah, my friends know that I have a strict no call policy. Now get out there and find me an assistant.

Quote from Mark

Mark: What was that about?
Ann: I set Leslie up on a date. I don't think it's going that well.
Mark: Oh, no. With Justin?
Ann: Oh, no. This guy I know from the hospital.
Mark: Why wouldn't you set her up with Justin?
Ann: I don't really see them together. You know? Plus, Leslie just got out of a relationship, so I didn't want Justin to be, like, her rebound guy or anything, you know?
Mark: Yeah, that makes sense. Leslie is a notoriously cruel and thoughtless person.
Ann: Why are we talking about this?
Mark: We're not.

Quote from Tom

Ann: Oh, do you need a lawyer? Because my friend Justin's a lawyer. I'm sure he could help.
Leslie Knope: Oh, that'd be terrific.
Ann: Yeah, I'll call him. Justin's the greatest guy ever.
Mark: [chuckling] The greatest guy ever?
Tom: But does he dress... This well? Brooks Brothers. Bought it right off the mannequin.

Quote from April

Tom: Wow, 12:15! You're early today.
Jerry: April, there's no paper in the printer.
April: So?
Jerry: So that's the one thing you do.
April: Ugh.
Ron Swanson: Attention. April stop doing that.
April: Jerry told me to, so it's super crucial.

Quote from April

April: I come in, like, two hours late because I had to finish watching Swimfan... because it was on,
and everyone, like, jumped down my throat.
Andy: Oh, man.
April: I can't wait till my internship is over so I can get the hell out of here.

Quote from Ann

Ann: I left you three messages. Did you get them?
Leslie Knope: No, I've been running around all day. What's up?
Ann: I found the perfect guy to set you up with, but he's going out of town, so he can only do tonight, so I came over here right after work.
Leslie Knope: Is that his blood?
Ann: What? Oh, damn, now I have to go back.

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