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Season 6, Episode 14 - Aired February 27, 2014

On their anniversary, Ben plans to surprise Leslie with a series of extravagant presents, but he ends up spending the day with Jerry. Leslie tries to promote a sense of unity between Pawneans and Eagletonians by showcasing a long-married couple from both sides of the border. Meanwhile, April doesn't know how to give Donna negative feedback as her boss.

Quote from Andy

Leslie Knope: Okay, so it's been an hour. From out there, it looks like you guys were having some fun, getting to know each other. So why don't we call this first meeting a success and then we'll get together later in the week.
Tom: Hold up, sweet pea. We have an idea. It's called the Unity Concert. It's a massive music and arts festival to celebrate the merger.
Andy: We get artists and musicians from both towns to come together. It's gonna be like a giant Woodstock, except for instead of everybody rolling around in mud, they'll be rolling around in happiness. Or maybe mud. I don't know. I can't control the weather.


Quote from April

Madison: We want to have a bunch of different band stages. You know, people will go to parts of the town they don't usually go to. Plus, we'll have tents for art exhibits and panels, and maybe a short film festival.
Tom: Donna said she might be able to get Ginuwine. That's given me a reason to live.
April: Yeah, it's not like everyone's gonna suddenly start holding hands and making out, but we figure, why not throw a big three-day outdoor party, show everyone a good time, and maybe they'll forget about this stupid stuff.

Quote from Leslie Knope

Tom: [claps] What do you think?
Leslie Knope: [choked up] I don't... I don't... I don't even... You know what I mean?
Madison: What's wrong with her? Why is making those noises?
Leslie Knope: [moans]
April: Oh, right, you don't know Leslie. That means she loves it so much she can't speak.
Leslie Knope: You guys, that's like... I don't know... Amazing. Like... what you do there.

Quote from Ben

Ben: Happy anniversary. So I know we agreed on no gifts.
Leslie Knope: What?
Ben: But I did get you a gift.
Leslie Knope: No.
Ben: A bunch of them, actually. I was gonna surprise you with them yesterday, but they never reached you.
Leslie Knope: Oh, my eff-ing God. [gasps] You planned all of this for me? An enchanted carriage? This is amazing. Oh, and your scrapbook instincts are really good. I mean, this is a little rough, but you have a lot of talent here.

Quote from Leslie Knope

Mrs. DeMarco: Dougie, are you sure you want to go on television? You look like a leather glove got caught in a lawnmower.
Leslie Knope: Okay, you know what? I'm going to admit something. I orchestrated the Pawnee-Eagleton merger, and I was hoping that your marriage could show people that a happy union is possible. So when you're out there, if you could just, you know, look back over the past 50 years together and focus on the good times, okay?

Quote from Craig

Ben: Okay, new people. Let's introduce ourselves.
Craig: Craig Middlebrooks. Samantha in the boardroom, Miranda in the bedroom. I know it's not ideal, but it's who I am. This is my friend Madison. She's amazing. And she drove me here!

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