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Mr. Monk's 100th Case

‘Mr. Monk's 100th Case’

Season 7, Episode 7 - Aired September 5, 2008

As Monk works on his 100th case for the SFPD, involving a serial killer, he is profiled by a TV news magazine.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Narrator: [v.o.] In Focus. An unfiltered look at the news, the people behind the news, and the stories behind the headlines. Reporting from San Francisco, James Novak.
James Novak: Good evening, and welcome to In Focus. He is a mass of contradictions. A man afflicted with a disorder so paralyzing that ten years ago he was forced to resign from the San Francisco police department. Since then, as a private consultant, he has solved an astonishing 99 cases. Cases that were considered unsolvable. Tonight on In Focus, we follow Adrian Monk, this modern-day Sherlock Holmes, as he attempts a career milestone: Solving his 100th case for the San Francisco P.D. And what a case it is. Perhaps the most challenging of his career. A vicious serial killer is on the loose. Young women are being slaughtered. The town is terrorized. Can Adrian Monk find him and stop him before he kills again? Find out tonight on In Focus.


Quote from Captain Stottlemeyer

Natalie: Hey, captain, have you seen Mr. Monk?
Captain Stottlemeyer: I figured he was with you. He usually is.
Natalie: Did you change the channel?
Captain Stottlemeyer: It's a commercial break. I'll change it right back.
Natalie: No, no.
Captain Stottlemeyer: No, no, it's a playoff game. It's a five-point game.

Quote from Lieutenant Disher

Lieutenant Disher: Oh, Jim. It's a great party. Thanks again. The wine's amazing too.
James Novak: It's the least I could do. After all, you guys let us tag along with you all week long. I hope we didn't cramp your style.
Lieutenant Disher: No, not at all. It was fun. Jim, this is my girlfriend Jillian.
Jillian: I love your house.
James Novak: Thank you. You look familiar. Are you an actress?
Lieutenant Disher: Yeah, she's in the show, in this episode.
Jillian: The reenactment scene near the end, I'm victim number four.
James Novak: Oh, right, of course. What else have you done?
Jillian: Mostly crime shows. Junk like this. Oh, no, I don't- Not junk, I mean-
Lieutenant Disher: Jillian's the queen of reenactments. She's always getting killed or taken hostage. She was bludgeoned to death on dateline two weeks ago.
James Novak: Really? I'm sorry I missed that.
Lieutenant Disher: She can do anything, yeah. She can be stabbed, or shot, or strangled. Oh, baby, do a stab. Do a stab. You gotta see this.
Jillian: No, Mr. Novak doesn't want to see-
James Novak: Well, I've got to see it now. I'm curious.
Jillian: [gasps] [frantic:] What are you doing? How did you get in here?! [groans]
Lieutenant Disher: Hmm?
James Novak: Very nice. Very convincing. Good luck to you.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Natalie: Here you are. What are you doing back here? You can't even see the TV.
Adrian Monk: Which makes it the best seat in the house.
Natalie: Mr. Monk, you can't sit back here. You're the guest of honor. Come on, at least move up a little.
Adrian Monk: [shifts the chair] You said "a little."
Natalie: A little more. Come on.

Quote from Captain Stottlemeyer

Captain Stottlemeyer: His brain's different. I mean, I'm not saying that he's a freak or anything. But it... No, I just... You know, his brain's different. Let's just leave it at that.

Quote from Captain Stottlemeyer

Captain Stottlemeyer: I didn't tell the press about the missing lipstick. I always hold back on a couple of key details so down the road if we do get a confession, we know if it's genuine.
Lieutenant Disher: He does it a lot. You do it a lot, but you don't always do it, though.
Captain Stottlemeyer: Yes, I do. I always do it. I just don't always tell him.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Adrian Monk: This was no random attack. He knew her. She knew him. Look, she comes home. She's checking her mail.
Captain Stottlemeyer: Right.
Adrian Monk: She sees him through the door. She recognizes him. She's not afraid.
Captain Stottlemeyer: So she sets the cup down and lets him in.
Adrian Monk: He grabs her. Kills her. Then he punches through the door to make it look like he had to break in. The shards of glass from the door, they're on top of her body. They're all around her body. But there's nothing underneath it.
Natalie: Pretty good, huh?
James Novak: [v.o.] Adrian Monk had no way of knowing that Cassandre Rank's murder was just the beginning, and that before the week was out, the killer would be striking again. When In Focus continues.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Natalie: Oh, pretty exciting, huh? What happened? Did somebody hug you?
Adrian Monk: No, no. There's something wrong. I feel like I missed something. Something about that case.
Natalie: What case? What, the TV show? Mr. Monk, you already solved that case. It's all over.
Adrian Monk: Nah, there's something wrong.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Natalie: There's been a breakthrough in the case. It's pretty exciting.
Adrian Monk: Don't look back. Why are you looking back?
Natalie: So it turns out, both victims worked at the same restaurant. It's one of those theme restaurants. It's called the Morbid Cafe. And the captain wants Mr. Monk to go talk to the manager.
Adrian Monk: Can you just pull over? Will you, please? I'm feeling nauseous. Those bus fumes have made me nauseous.
Natalie: All right, did I mention he doesn't like driving?

Quote from Adrian Monk

Adrian Monk: Oh, my God. People actually eat here?
Natalie: Yeah, Julie comes here all the time. She loves it. See all these props? They're from old horror movies.
Adrian Monk: We should call the board of health.
Vampire Manager: Welcome. I have been expecting you. You are from the police department, is that correct?
Adrian Monk: That's- That's right. Okay, I'm Adrian Monk. And this is Natalie Teeger.
Vampire Manager: Oh, Natalie, hmm? What a delicious name.
Adrian Monk: Why are you talking like that?
Vampire Manager: I don't know what you mean. But I see we go to the same tailor. Ooh.
Natalie: Mr. Gleckson, we'd like to talk to you about a woman named Cassandre Rank. I believe she used to work here.
Vampire Manager: Yes, Cassandre Rank. A most delectable young girl. I remember drinking her blood. It was a most exquisite aperitif.
Natalie: She was killed two days ago. Someone strangled her.
Vampire Manager: What? Are you serious? Oh, my God, you must have thought that- Look, you know that this is just a job, right? I mean, this is not real blood. It's all makeup. Oh, hell, that stuff about drinking her blood. Oh, crap.
Adrian Monk: When did she work here? Uh, about a year ago. But she was only here for about a month, and then she got a part in a play or something and she split. Nobody stays here that long.
Natalie: There was another woman named Barbara McFarland. She worked here too, didn't she?
Vampire Manager: Yes! Barbara McFarland. She had a very delectable neck. I'm sure of that. In fact, I am O-positive.
Natalie: She was killed too.
Vampire Manager: Oh, come on! Why didn't you just say that? Now I look like a monster, like a real monster, and I'm not. Oh, hell.

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