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Mr. Monk Goes to Jail

‘Mr. Monk Goes to Jail’

Season 2, Episode 16 - Aired March 5, 2004

After a death-row inmate is fatally poisoned hours before his execution, Dale the Whale asks Monk to solve the mystery in exchange for information about Trudy's death. [Guest stars: Kathy Baker, Danny Trejo, Tim Curry]

Quote from Adrian Monk

Dale Biederbeck: Mr. M. Congratulations. I knew you could do it.
Adrian Monk: Thank you, Dale. It was your faith in me that kept me going in my darkest hour.
Dale Biederbeck: [laughs] Oh, no.
Adrian Monk: I see you got your window.
Dale Biederbeck: Mm-hmm. Yep. Now I can see the world, but still not be part of the world. Something else we have in common.


Quote from Adrian Monk

Sharona: You promised us some information.
Dale Biederbeck: Did I? [laughs, coughs] Don't make me laugh. It hurts. All right. A deal is a deal. I'll tell you all I know. The bomb that took Trudy from you was not intended for you. It was meant for her. [Monk sits down]
Sharona: Adrian.
Adrian Monk: It was her they were after.
Dale Biederbeck: I know you've always blamed yourself for her death. Now you don't have to. I absolve you, Adrian Monk. [chuckles] That's my good deed for the decade.
Adrian Monk: Why? W- Why her?
Dale Biederbeck: Oh, I can't help you there. You ever been to New York?
Adrian Monk: No.
Dale Biederbeck: Have Sharona pack your bags. That's where you'll find the man you're looking for. His name is Warrick Tennyson.
Adrian Monk: Did- Did he kill her?
Dale Biederbeck: He was involved. That's all I have.
Sharona: How do you know all this?
Dale Biederbeck: Oh, sweetheart, I am Dale the Whale!
Sharona: You'd better not be lying to him.
Dale Biederbeck: It's the truth, as God is my witness.
Adrian Monk: He is your witness, and so am I.
Sharona: Well, I guess we're going to New York.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Captain Stottlemeyer: Well, congratulations, Monk. You solved the case.
Lieutenant Disher: It's all over the radio.
Adrian Monk: Oh, man.
Sharona: What are you doing?
Adrian Monk: Oh, the sky, the grass. I forgot how beautiful they were.
Lieutenant Disher: Monk, you were only in there for a day and a half.
Adrian Monk: Yeah, Randy, I did my bit, and I did it standing up. I'm gonna tell you people something. Prison changes a man.
Sharona: Don't you wish?

Quote from Adrian Monk

Sharona: What did Ray Kaspo do?
Lieutenant Disher: Six years ago, he shot a gas station attendant in a robbery.
Sharona: Well, maybe the victim's family did it for revenge.
Adrian Monk: No, no. That letter is from the victim's family. They say they forgive him that they're praying for him.
Lieutenant Disher: Well, maybe they lied.
Adrian Monk: No. Their name is Lapp. They're from Strasburg, Pennsylvania. They're Mennonite.
Captain Stottlemeyer: Pacifists. They don't believe in violence.

Quote from Sharona

Adrian Monk: What is it you want, Dale? You said it was important.
Dale Biederbeck: Well, there's the Adrian Monk we know and love. Your fear is huge, but your curiosity is huger. I wanna make you an offer.
Sharona: Oh, please, drop dead.
Dale Biederbeck: Well, you'd think I would have by now, wouldn't you?
Sharona: Please, let's get out of here. Come on.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Sharona: You really think Dale the Whale's gonna help you? He hates you. You're the reason why he's in here.
Adrian Monk: I have nothing to lose and everything to gain. This is about Trudy now. I need you to help me focus.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Adrian Monk: I think if you put-
Rastafarian Cook: Do you love me?
Adrian Monk: No, no, I-
Rastafarian Cook: Then don't be touchin' me!
Sharona: [to Monk] Please, please. Stand here. Please? [to the cook] Hey, hey. You've been in rehab, right?
Rastafarian Cook: How did you know?
Sharona: I'm a nurse. I can see the track marks. So you know about addiction, right? Okay. Well, my boss has a jones for neatness, okay?
Adrian Monk: It's my jones.
Sharona: And he needs a fix real bad.
Rastafarian Cook: You talkin' about my hair?
Sharona: You know what it's like.
Rastafarian Cook: It's the worst feeling in the world. Sorry, brother. [tucks in braid of hair]
Adrian Monk: Thank you, brother.
Rastafarian Cook: [goes to shake Monk's hand] Not like that. Like this. [does a "dap" handshake]
Adrian Monk: Can you get a wipe? I think we're almost done.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Adrian Monk: Mrs. Fairbourn, you- you said you had some information for me?
Sylvia Fairbourn: Yes. I heard you were in here asking about Ray Kaspo. I don't know if it means anything, but he was in here a week ago, and I heard him talking to another inmate.
Adrian Monk: What were they talking about?
Sylvia Fairbourn: Well, Mr. Kaspo said that before he was injected, he intended to tell the world about what happened in Calgary.
Sharona: In Calgary?
Sylvia Fairbourn: Yes. And the other inmate said, "I'll see you in hell first."
Adrian Monk: Who was the other inmate?
Sylvia Fairbourn: His name is, uh, Darnell Rudner, and I believe they call him...
Adrian Monk: Spyder.
Sharona: Who's Spyder Rudner?

Quote from Adrian Monk

Warden Christie: I already talked to your captain. He said it's up to you. You'll have to sign this release.
Adrian Monk: I'll sign whatever you want.
Sharona: Adrian, he's killed four people.
Warden Christie: That we know of. Spyder Rudner is evil personified.
Sharona: Oh, my God. His first arrest was in the seventh grade.
Warden Christie: Are you sure you want to go undercover as an inmate?
Adrian Monk: There's no other way. If he knows I'm a cop, he'll never talk to me.
Warden Christie: If Spyder Rudner knows you're a cop, he'll kill you. He may kill you anyway just because it's Wednesday.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Warden Christie: Lucky for you, he's been in solitary all day, so he hasn't seen you around. You might get away with it for a day or two.
Sharona: Why was he in solitary?
[Monk starts fiddling with an item on the Warden's desk]
Warden Christie: He put a guy's head through a wall.
Sharona: Why?
Warden Christie: The guy touched his stuff.
Sharona: Adrian.
Adrian Monk: It's for Trudy.

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