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Mr. Monk and the Other Detective

‘Mr. Monk and the Other Detective’

Season 4, Episode 1 - Aired July 8, 2005

Monk is stumped when a formerly second-rate private investigator, Marty Eels (guest star Jason Alexander), is full of insight into a robbery and murder case.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Dr. Kroger: So that found the jewels?
Adrian Monk: They were right where Marty said they'd be. Of course.
Dr. Kroger: And what, then they asked you to step aside?
Adrian Monk: They said Marty was on a roll. I guess they didn't want me to cramp his style.
Dr. Kroger: Well, Adrian, I'm sure that this is all just temporary.
Adrian Monk: Maybe he really is better than me.
Dr. Kroger: Yeah, well, would that be so terrible? I mean if you weren't number one?
Adrian Monk: An ex-cop I know teaches criminal justice at Fulton College. He offered me a job last year. Maybe I'll give him a call.
Dr. Kroger: All right, so you're just giving up.
Adrian Monk: Okay.


Quote from Adrian Monk

Adrian Monk: Fine, I will drive myself. I'll rent a car. [picks up phone] See? I am dialing the number. I'm not bluffing.
Natalie: Do you even have a driver's license?
Adrian Monk: Yes, I have a license. Okay, this is it. This is the last digit. I have dialed the number. It is ringing.
Woman: [on the phone] Thank you for calling Cannon rent-a-car. This call may be monitored for quality purposes.
Adrian Monk: I am on hold.
Natalie: Mr. Monk, Fulton College is 100 miles away. It is up the interstate. It's over a bridge.
Adrian Monk: I know. I have a blindfold for going over bridges.
Natalie: But you'll be driving.
Adrian Monk: Good point. I think I can make it. I'll just sort of peek underneath.
Natalie: I'm not gonna let you drive! You've never driven over a bridge in your life.
Adrian Monk: What choice do I have?
Woman: [on the phone] Excuse me. Excuse me, sir?
Adrian Monk: Yes? My daughter goes to Fulton College. You don't have to take the bridge. You can take the causeway all the way up.
Adrian Monk: You could hear us?
Woman: Yes, sir. I'm a quality control operator. I'm monitoring the call.
Adrian Monk: I, I was on hold.
Woman: Yes, sir. We start listening as soon as you're connected. You wouldn't believe the things I hear. People fooling around, people arguing. I could write a book about it.
Adrian Monk: You could hear me while I was on hold.
Woman: That's right.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Marty Eels: Hey, Monk! What a nice surprise. This guy's from San Francisco Magazine. I'm one of the ten most eligible bachelors in the city. Can you believe it?
Natalie: Marty, we need to talk.
Marty Eels: Not a good time, Nat.
Natalie: Did you just call me Nat?
Marty Eels: Hey, hey! Get one with me and Monk.
Adrian Monk: No.
Marty Eels: Here. No, no, no. This is good. It's like a summit of great minds. Philip Marlowe meets Sherlock Holmes.
Natalie: It's about your mother. A little something she might have overheard while at work.
Natalie: Can't hear. The music's too loud. I can't hear. [to the photographer] Take, take a five. Take a five.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Marty Eels: Wait! Mr. Monk! Mr. Monk! Wait! Wait, Mr. Monk! Mr. Monk, wait, wait, wait! It's Vic Blanchard. He just called. He's got my mother.
Natalie: Oh, my God. I'll call the captain.
Marty Eels: No, no! No, no cops. He said no cops or he'd kill her. Mr. Monk, please, you gotta help me. You were right! I don't know what I'm doing! I don't.
Adrian Monk: Let's go.

Quote from Natalie

Adrian Monk: Marty, I want you to focus. Can you focus? All right, the caller said that she would be dead by, by, by 8:20, was it?
Natalie: Why 8:20? Why not 8:00 or 8:30?
Marty Eels: Think!
Adrian Monk: I'm thinking.
Marty Eels: Well, think harder.
Natalie: Why don't you think?
Marty Eels: Hey, I'm not the great big famous detective.
Natalie: Well, you were two hours ago.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Adrian Monk: Mrs. Eels, you're probably going to have to testify about that phone call you overheard.
Mrs. Eels: You told him.
Marty Eels: I didn't tell him. He figured it out. He's a real detective.
Adrian Monk: Actually, he found you. We had no idea where you were. He put all the clues together. He, um... It really was some of the most unique detective work I've ever seen.
Natalie: Just an incredible detective.
Adrian Monk: I mean, his detecting is like...
Natalie: What? He doesn't need anyone's help, Mrs. Eels.
Adrian Monk: No. No one's help.
Mrs. Eels: Really?
Marty Eels: When the kidnapper called, they both panicked.
Adrian Monk: I, I, I'm prone to panicking.
Marty Eels: And I had to say, "let's get focused!" Because my mother's in trouble. And- And that got everybody focused. But, but then I had to, I had to concentrate on sounds from the background. I could hear the ocean. And, and I heard a clang and a thud.
Adrian Monk: A thud and a clang.
Marty Eels: And a thud and a clang. And, and 8:20, why not 8:00? Why not 8:30? And then I remembered high tide is at 8:20. Once I, once I had that piece, then it all fell together.
Mrs. Eels: Oh, Marty. Marty, you're wonderful.

Quote from Captain Stottlemeyer

Marty Eels: I'd like to thank the police department, particularly captain Stottlemeyer and, uh, Adrian Monk. This was a very difficult case for me. Uh, last night I, I made a decision. It's, it's the toughest decision of my career, but I am going to, um, resign my practice, and, uh, take a teaching position at Fulton Community College, uh, where I'll be teaching modern criminal investigative techniques.
Captain Stottlemeyer: [to Monk] You were right about him, weren't you? He was cheating.
Marty Eels: Sorry, dropped the key.
Captain Stottlemeyer: He was cheating.

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