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Mr. Monk and Sharona

‘Mr. Monk and Sharona’

Season 8, Episode 10 - Aired October 23, 2009

Monk is reunited with Sharona when she visits San Francisco to settle a lawsuit over her uncle's untimely demise on a golf course. Unfortunately for Sharona, Monk doesn't think her uncle's death was an accident.

Quote from Sharona

Lieutenant Disher: Well, look, you know Monk's track record, why would this be the one case he screws up?
Sharona: Well, 'cause he's not thinking straight. Natalie's turned him against me.
Lieutenant Disher: Why would she do that?
Sharona: 'Cause she's jealous. Adrian likes me better.
Lieutenant Disher: Did he say that?
Sharona: No, but I can tell. A woman can tell who likes who.
Lieutenant Disher: She can?
Sharona: Absolutely.


Quote from Adrian Monk

Adrian Monk: I still don't know what we're doing here. We already talked to this guy.
Sharona: We should talk to him again. He was there. He witnessed the accident.
Natalie: It wasn't an accident.
Sharona: It was an accident.
Perry Walsh: Mr. Monk.
Adrian Monk: Hi. You remember Sharona and Natalie. I mean, Natalie and Sharona.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Adrian Monk: We have a few more questions about the incident. We think that Mr. Fleming might have fallen on purpose.
Perry Walsh: Really?
Sharona: It's just a theory.
Adrian Monk: On that morning, did you actually see Mr. Fleming play any golf?
Perry Walsh: Well, now that you mention it, no, I don't believe I did.
Sharona: Yeah, but he fell, right? I mean, he really fell. He didn't pretend.
Perry Walsh: Well, I was 50 yards away. It looked real to me. I don't know if he's that good of an actor.
Adrian Monk: [fake coughs] On second thought, I'd love some water.
Perry Walsh: Sure. I'll be right back.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Adrian Monk: Be cool! Just be cool. Look at this. His wife is reading these books: The Passion of Erica, it's a series. See? Volume 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. And where is volume four? I'll tell you where it is. It's in your uncle's apartment. I saw it lying open by the couch. She left it there. They're having an affair.
Natalie: What?
Sharona: Uncle Howie?
Natalie: Do you think that he knows?
Adrian Monk: He not only knows. He did something about it. He killed your uncle.
Sharona: Oh, come on!
Adrian Monk: Think about it. Howard was sleeping with Carolyn Walsh. What are the odds of her husband witnessing his fatal accident? It's off the charts. It's virtually impossible.
Natalie: But they weren't alone. The caddy was there.
Sharona: The caddy saw the whole thing.
Adrian Monk: That's the beauty of it. It was a perfect plan.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Sharona: I don't understand.
Natalie: Neither do I. Just do it again and slow down.
Adrian Monk: God. It was Walsh's idea. He came to your uncle. He said he had a plan to rip off the country club. Howard would pretend to fall down the stairs. Walsh would be the unimpeachable witness. They'd sue the club and make a fortune. Walsh must have known Howard was broke. He knew he'd take the bait.
[Monk tries to leave the closet, but is stopped by Sharona]
Adrian Monk: Okay. Where was I?
Natalie: He took the bait.
Adrian Monk: That morning, your uncle was on the green. He was in position. Meanwhile, Walsh made sure he and the caddy were close enough to see it. Your uncle thought it was just another scam, but Walsh had other ideas. Can we at least open the door just a crack?
Sharona: Keep going.
Adrian Monk: The caddy ran off to get help. That left Walsh alone with your uncle. It was a perfect plan, two witnesses. Walsh himself and his caddy had seen your uncle fall down those stairs. Nobody would ever suspect it was murder, the end. Can we open the door? [Perry opens the door] Hey, we were just taking a little tour. Is this oak?
Natalie: Mr. Monk, he knows that we know.
Perry Walsh: I think we're done here.

Quote from Captain Stottlemeyer

Adrian Monk: Are you okay?
Captain Stottlemeyer: I'm waiting for the screaming to stop.
Adrian Monk: There's no screaming.
Captain Stottlemeyer: The screaming inside my head. You were in a closet in his house. He was standing right there. He obviously heard everything. Why didn't you just leave the apartment?
Adrian Monk: I tried! I told them to be cool. I actually said, "be cool."
Captain Stottlemeyer: Just step outside the house. Talk in the elevator!
Sharona: He doesn't take the elevator.
Captain Stottlemeyer: Well, we don't have a case because you tipped him off. I just got off the phone with him. It's a brick wall. They're all lawyered up.
Sharona: What about his wife?
Captain Stottlemeyer: She's not talking either.
Sharona: That's 'cause he probably threatened her.
Captain Stottlemeyer: If this is a homicide, and I believe you're right, because you always are, we're up against it. We've got nothing! We have no physical evidence!

Quote from Lieutenant Disher

Natalie: [to Stottlemeyer] Why you looking at me? It wasn't my fault.[looks to Sharona]
Sharona: What does that mean?
Natalie: Nothing.
Sharona: Are you blaming me now?
Lieutenant Disher: Wait a minute. It's not her fault. Her uncle died. She's got the right to ask questions.
Captain Stottlemeyer: Randy, you weren't there.
Lieutenant Disher: Neither were you.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Adrian Monk: Taxi, are you on duty?
Cab Driver: Yeah. Where are we going?
Adrian Monk: Well, I have $52. How far will that take me?
Cab Driver: I don't know, let's find out.

Quote from Natalie

Natalie: Mr. Monk, you can come home now. We're fine.
Sharona: Hey, I know you saw us fighting, I know you got scared, and we're really sorry about it.
Natalie: But we talked about it, and we decided we really have to nail this guy Walsh.
Sharona: Absolutely. I don't care about the lawsuit. I don't care about that money. You were right. Howie Fleming was my uncle. He wasn't perfect, but he was family, and we can't let Walsh get away with it.
Natalie: So we want to go back to the country club.
Sharona: Maybe we overlooked a clue or something.
Adrian Monk: What kind of clue? We don't know.
Natalie: That's where you come in.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Adrian Monk: Fujikawa. It's from the caddy's cell phone. Walsh must've switched batteries. That morning, Walsh put a new battery in the caddy's phone. One that wasn't charged yet. He had to be sure the caddy couldn't call for help.
Sharona: Is that it? Is that proof?
Adrian Monk: No, he could explain this. But maybe...
Natalie: What? What?
Adrian Monk: The caddy's cell phone. If the new battery is still inside it, it would have Walsh's fingerprints all over it. He'd have a hard time explaining that.
Natalie: My God, we have to find that caddy.

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