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Thunk in the Trunk

‘Thunk in the Trunk’

Season 7, Episode 13 - Aired February 17, 2016

Phil starts to feel like an underappreciated "house husband" as Claire's new job has her acting like an "alpha male" boss. Jay gets jealous when he sees people ogling a life-size cardboard cutout of Gloria. Meanwhile, Mitchell feels Cameron is being irrational when he starts snooping on the trio of house guests who are renting the unit upstairs.

Quote from Claire

Claire: [aside to camera] The best part about taking over my dad's company: I am now a powerful white male, and I love it. I totally get now why we don't want anyone else to have what we have.


Quote from Mitchell

Mitchell: Cam, stay out of their business, all right? If we drop below three stars, we're gonna be stuck renting to chain smokers and pregnant foreigners trying to have their babies in America. Mark down the time. I just turned into my father.

Quote from Phil

Phil: Good morning, Madam President. May I introduce you to the ambassador of Java?
Claire: Oh, thank you. Because, after all, what is a travel mug but a closet for your coffee? And boom, our next promotional giveaway.
Phil: Wow. Throw on a black turtleneck and some mom jeans, It's like I'm married to Steve Jobs.

Quote from Jay

Jay: You know, these cheese cubes keep getting smaller every week. I should start saving these to prove my point. Wow, am I retired.

Quote from Jay

Jay: You know what always calms you down? Joe's little duck song. Now, let's- Let's get that going.
Gloria: I hate him.
Jay: [singing] quack, quack, quack, join the duck parade
Gloria: I want blood!
Jay: [singing] Waddle, waddle, waddle, waddle, watch them wade tail up, head down [Gloria joins] shake your feathers all around everybody's smiling at the duck parade

Quote from Jay

Gloria: It's there! It's beautiful!
Jay: A little revealing. I mean, I get using sex to sell your hot sauce. That's why I wore jordache jeans in my old closet ads. But a little much, isn't it?

Quote from Cameron

Cameron: Okay, what is that all about? I mean, three adults? Why doesn't Tommy have a last name? Why doesn't Tommy talk? Is he their captive? Is Mrs. Wilkerson their captive? Is the captive in the trunk?
Mitchell: So there has to be a captive?

Quote from Cameron

Mitchell: [aside to camera] Lately, we've been getting negative reviews from some of our renters.
Cameron: Say it.
Mitchell: And they tend to follow the common theme that the "bigger one" is "nosy."
Cameron: While others say the "orange fella" is "standoffish and cold."
Mitchell: Who says that?
Cameron: I'm saying it now.

Quote from Phil

Phil: This grainy security footage is all the store sent?
Gloria: Mm-hmm. I feel like I know him, Phil.
Phil: Whoever it is, it looks like they want to get caught. He keeps going back for the cheese cubes.

Quote from Mitchell

Mitchell: What are you doing?
Cameron: Oh, uh, just a little research.
Mitchell: "Wilkersons plus adults Tommy plus mysterious trunk." Okay, now try googling "irrational meddling plus homosexual."

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