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Princess Party

‘Princess Party’

Season 2, Episode 15 - Aired February 16, 2011

When Dede comes to town for Lily's birthday, she is accompanied by Claire's old high school boyfriend. Mitchell won't let Cameron resurrect Fizbo the clown at the princess-themed birthday party. Gloria questions whether to attend the party with Dede there.

Quote from Claire

Dede: Oh, what's going on here, you two?
Claire: You are- You're insane.
Robbie: Claire still wants me.
Claire: No. Don't.
Dede: Oh, I should've seen this coming.
Claire: Oh, really?
Dede: One minute she sees I'm happy, and she swoops in-
Claire: Didn't swoop! I didn't swoop! If anybody swooped, it was you!


Quote from Claire

Claire: Why does everything have to be so hard with you? Why can't you just be a normal, old grandma? You come in here It's some sort of sick game for you to just push people and push people and push people and see how far you can push them, until finally, look at me, you win! You win! I'm screaming at a princess party, Mom!
Phil: Claire.
Claire: I'm screaming at a princess party.

Quote from Cameron

Cameron: Okay, gun to your head. Which pair should I wear?
Mitchell: Oh, gun to my head, I'd say pull the trigger.
Cameron: What's that supposed to mean?
Mitchell: No Fizbo.
Cameron: But why?
Mitchell: Cam. Cam, the center of attention at Lily's party should be Lily, not Fizbo the needy clown.
Cameron: I'm sorry. Excuse me. Needy?
Mitchell: "Why aren't they laughing, Mitchell? Why aren't they clapping when I'm pulling the handkerchief out of my mouth?"
Cameron: It's 10 feet long with boxer shorts at the end. It works on so many levels.

Quote from Cameron

Mitchell: Yeah. Well, also it's a princess theme party. So, I guess you just don't respect party themes.
Cameron: You did not just say that.
Mitchell: I'm sorry. That was- That was crossing a line.
Cameron: Yes, it was. So, can Fizbo come to the party?
Mitchell: No, no. You are Lily's dad. Just be there as her dad.
Cameron: Are you implying I'm not being a good dad now?
Mitchell: Well, if the shoe fits...
Cameron: They don't. They're comically large.

Quote from Dede

Dede: Claire Bear. Oh, my sweet girl.
Claire: Gosh.
Dede: I forget that you're all grown up.
Claire: Yeah.
Dede: You know, in my mind, you're still 12. But look at us. Just two old ladies.
Claire: Ohh.

Quote from Dede

Dede: So, anyways, you'll never guess who I saw at the airport.
Claire: Mmm, who's that?
Dede: Robbie Sullivan.
Claire: Robbie- My Robbie Sullivan from high school? God, I haven't seen him in years.
Dede: Decades, really.

Quote from Dede

Dede: I always liked him. And, as I recall, the two of you couldn't keep your hands off each other.
Haley: Oh, really, Mom?
Claire: That's not true.
Dede: It is true. I read it in your diary.
Claire: You read my diary.
Dede: Well, yeah. I- I read it because I wanted to see if you were on drugs. It's called parenting, Claire.

Quote from Dede

Claire: Robbie?
Robbie: Look at you.
Dede: Surprise! I invited him to dinner.
Claire: What?
Dede: Didn't I tell you she'd be excited? Huh?
Claire: Uh-huh. I don't know what to say.
Robbie: Well, maybe a Fuzzy Navel wine cooler will loosen you up. It sure used to.

Quote from Claire

Phil: Hey, honey, who's this?
Claire: This is, um, Robbie my boyfriend from when I was 17 years old, whom my mom invited to dinner.
Phil: Fasten your seat belts. Phil Dunphy.
Robbie: Phil, how do you know Claire?
Phil: I know Claire from being married to Claire.
Robbie: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Uh, wait a minute, uh...
Claire: Mom didn't mention that I'm married with three kids?
Robbie: No. All she said was that you were still trying to figure out your life.

Quote from Dede

Claire: Why would you not mention that I'm married?
Dede: Oh, God, Claire. Not everything in a conversation is about you.
Claire: Mom, I could use some help in the kitchen.
Dede: Your words, not mine.

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