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I Love a Parade

‘I Love a Parade’

Season 10, Episode 1 - Aired September 26, 2018

Jay and Gloria are excited for the Fourth of July parade, where Jay will be acting as the grand marshal. Phil and Luke prepare for a hot dog eating contest. After relaxing all summer with Alex, Claire worries she's not as sharp as she used to be. Meanwhile, Haley reconsiders her relationship with Arvin as he heads off to Switzerland.

Quote from Cameron

Cameron: All right. There we go, Cal. hew the peanut butter. See? Now, with editing, we can make it look like he's saying anything we want: numbers, the alphabet, a joke about Jewish people. Pam loves those.
[aside to camera:]
Cameron: Movie tricks come easy to me. You know, clowns being naturals at deception.
Mitchell: It's true. A couple months into dating, Cam told me he was a clown, did a little performance for me, and I... I did feel deceived.


Quote from Phil

Phil: Exciting to be in the competition, huh? Instead of sitting up in the bleachers, like the last three years?
Luke: I guess.
Phil: Scary, sure, but it does feel good putting our butts on the line. You lose 100% of the hot-dog-eating contests you don't enter.
Luke: Dad, I know what your bumper sticker is, and I know what you're trying to do here.

Quote from Jay

Jay: "Thomas Jefferson, who was sort of the grand marshal of his time, believed this country should be a place where people are free to pursue happiness and a better life, where we can set our sights on the stars and, with hard work and determination make the impossible a reality. Because Americans don't run from challenges. We embrace them. God bless America. Hold for applause." That would've killed, right?
Joe: Bravo!
Jay: You know, I gave up a lot today. You could mean it.

Quote from Lily

Lily: [on the phone] Yeah. I've got time to help you.
Mitchell: Oh, look at your cousin being so sweet and helping out a friend.
Lily: Ugh! Such a weak little coward. Are we done yet?
Manny: No. It's a really big bridge.
Lily: Or maybe you're just a really tiny man.

Quote from Cameron

Mitchell: I wonder...
Cameron: Go on. I'm in.
Mitchell: Is it possible to shoot him in a way that makes him look better than he is?
Cameron: Oh, honey, are you kidding? Vin Diesel's a movie star. Anything's possible with editing.

Quote from Luke

Phil: What do you got there?
Luke: Oh, just choosing some classes for college. This one looks interesting. "In this intensive"... Nope.

Quote from Phil

Luke: I felt something tear inside.
Phil: Push through it. You'll thank me when you start to feel the gorger's high.

Quote from Phil

Luke: Aah! What the hell?!
Phil: Oh, is the hot dog making you angry? An angry stomach is 12% larger. Boo!

Quote from Phil

Phil: I think we've got a real shot to take down Rhonda and Thandie Hodak.
Luke: But they're undefeated.
Phil: I guess that makes us "under-dogs."

Quote from Claire

Alex: Can I get in on that floor bagel?
[aside to camera:]
Claire: Alex decided to take off some time earlier this summer, and, like everything else she does, she did it a little too well.

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