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Fifteen Percent

‘Fifteen Percent’

Season 1, Episode 13 - Aired January 20, 2010

Mitchell is offended when Jay introduces Cameron to his pals as "a friend of my son's", so he gets his revenge by suggesting one of Jay's pals is gay. Meanwhile, Manny arranges a date over the Internet, and Claire is stumped by the new TV remote Phil bought.

Quote from Haley

Phil: Haley. You ready?
Haley: Let's do this.
Claire: Turn on the TV.
Phil: Nice.
Claire: Mute it. Un-mute it. Put on a DVD. Skip forward.
Haley: Wait. Um.
Claire: Okay. Back to TV.
Phil: Face!
Claire: Don't get all cocky, Phil. Let's see what happens to little Haley when I do this. [presses button on TV] Ho, ho, ho. Ho! Face.
Haley: Dad, wh- What do I do?
Phil: Don't panic. We went through this. Just- Just think.
Claire: Give up. Give up. Admit defeat.
Phil: Haley.
Haley: Okay. Uh, let's see. You put the remote on to TV mode and then press "Input" till you get HDMI 1 and... [laughing, whooping] I did it!
Phil: She did it!


Quote from Phil

Claire: Fine. You proved your point. Everybody in this house is smarter than me.
Phil: No, honey, you're missing the point. I taught Haley how to use the remote in 20 minutes. So think how fast you can learn it.
Haley: What's that supposed to mean?
Phil: See what I'm saying?

Quote from Mitchell

Jay: I'm here to let you know your gaydar is broken. Shorty is not gay.
Mitchell: No. I, uh- I knew that. I just, I made that up to mess with you for dissing Cam.
Jay: What? That cost me twenty-thousand bucks.
Mitchell: What do you mean?
Jay: I reached out to him to let him know it's okay to be gay.
Mitchell: You did?
Jay: Yeah. Right after one of the stranger golf lessons of my life. Turns out what he is is a lousy gambler, and now I'm the one on the hook for it.
Mitchell: [chuckles] Oh, I'm so sorry.
Jay: Then why are you smiling?
Mitchell: I'm- I'm proud of you, Dad. And you're growing.

Quote from Claire

Claire: Haley, sweetie, wake up.
Haley: What?
Claire: I need you to teach me to use the TV.
Gloria: Now? Why can't Dad teach you?
Claire: Because we're married.

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