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Farm Strong

‘Farm Strong’

Season 5, Episode 4 -  Aired October 9, 2013

When Cameron's older, single sister Pam visits, he decides to keep the news of his and Mitchell's engagement secret. Phil and Claire decide to skip Luke's soccer game so they can get some household chores done. Meanwhile, Jay thinks Gloria is in denial about needing reading glasses, on the 100th episode of Modern Family.

Quote from Phil

Phil: [on the phone] I killed a bunch of baby birds.
Claire: What?
Phil: My robot wiped out the nest. And now the mom's just staring at me. They recognize faces, you know. I saw it in a documentary.


Quote from Jay

Alex: Hey Grandpa, great word you played earlier today. What does "syzygy" even mean?
Jay: It means 45 points. Ha!

Quote from Cameron

Cameron: Well, can you believe she said I'm the emotionally fragile one? I mean, how crazy is that?
Mitchell: Boy.
Cameron: "Boy"? Is that your thinly veiled way of saying you agree with her?
Mitchell: Pfft.
Cameron: Okay, you know what? If I was fragile, I would care, but I'm not, so I don't.
Mitchell: Good.
Cameron: Good. And you know what? That shirt washes you out, so don't be shocked when someone mistakes you for a beige candle.

Quote from Phil

Pam: Sorry. It's my parents again. I'm getting married soon, and they're already acting like they have 'empty-nest-syndrome'.
Phil: Mm.

Quote from Cameron

Claire: I talked Phil into skipping Luke's game, and then I went, and, of course, he played the game of his life. But Luke doesn't want to tell Phil about the game now because he doesn't want to hurt his feelings.
Cameron: Oh, well, I think it's sweet that Luke's protecting Phil. You know, we all have to protect my sister in my family because she's such a disaster.
Claire: Mm.
Cameron: I mean, you can see it, right?
Claire: I think it was a little weird she brought pig to a party.
Cameron: Hey! I can say it.

Quote from Phil

Cameron: In fact, I would like everyone to be honest with me, please, right now. No sugar-coating. My sister here seems to think you all have to walk on eggshells around me.
Phil: Eggshells.

Quote from Cameron

Cameron: Okay, well, why don't you give me an example of something you haven't told me because you were worried I couldn't handle it? Go on.
Claire: All right. Last week when we were supposed to have lunch and you cancelled, Beyonce was at the restaurant.
Cameron: Okay. The singer or Pepper's dog?
Claire: The singer. And when I was leaving, I-I-I stopped and I said hello to her and we chatted for like 10 minutes.
Cameron: Okay, that's great. I'm glad you had that experience? I mean, I don't know what you talked to her about, seeing that you don't know any of her songs other than "Single Ladies," which everyone knows.
Jay: I love that song.
Gloria: I'm surprised you can hear it.

Quote from Manny

Mitchell: Well, this was fun. Who's hungry? Hey, where's that boar?
Cameron: Okay, anyone else?
Manny: Well, since we're coming clean, you overuse the word "divine." It's just an ice-cream sandwich. You're the boy who cried "divine."
Cameron: Okay. Was not aware of that. Duly noted.

Quote from Cameron

Cameron: Okay, anyone else?
Haley: I don't really like the shirts with the crazy cuffs.
Cameron: Oh, I'm sorry. Can you push your boobs down? Because I couldn't hear you.
Pam: Here we go.

Quote from Phil

Phil: You went to Luke's game?
Claire: I did, Phil, and I am so sorry. I did not mean to. But then he started playing the most amazing game, and I got so wrapped up in it. I know I should have called.
Phil: Yeah, you should've called. You were amazing?
Claire: Oh, he was incredible. I wish you'd been there.
Phil: Then why'd you make me skip it?! I knew you had it in you!
Claire: Oh, coach said he's gonna start next week.
Phil: You're starting? I'm so mad at you! I'm so proud of you!

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