Clive Bixby Quotes     Page 3 of 3

Clive Bixby Quotes

Quotes from Clive Bixby and Juliana, Phil and Claire's romantic alter egos.

Quote from Phil in Written In The Stars

Phil: [on the phone] Phil here. Listen. It's all about commitment and confidence. What's- What's your character?
Jay: Raoul Matadore, hotel owner, like Andy Garcia-
Phil: In "Ocean's Eleven" I love this for you! Did you go with the timepiece?
Jay: Yeah, I thought at some moment, I'd pull it out, smash it on the bar, and say, "I want to remember the exact moment I fell in love." I'm an idiot!
Phil: No. That silence is me picking my jaw up off the floor. We're all walking, and you're flying, mister.
Jay: Seriously? You think so?
Phil: 1,000%! But don't take it from me. [as Clive] Clive again. Mr. Matadore, I tip my turtleneck to ya.


Quote from Phil in My Funky Valentine

Principal Balaban: Mr. And Mrs. Dunphy?
Phil: Hey.
Claire: Principal Balaban.
Phil: Hey, how are you?
Principal Balaban: Who's Clive Bixby?
Phil: Oh, uh, he makes speakers. He's actually in town for a trade show.
Claire: Phil.

Quote from Phil in My Funky Valentine

Claire: Clive, I have a little something for you.
Phil: What is it?
Claire: My dress.
Phil: Oh, th-
Claire: My bra.
Phil: Oh, my G-
Claire: My underwear.
Phil: My God.
Claire: Yeah. What do you say we take this upstairs?
Phil: This is so much better than cheesy garlic bread.

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