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Season 9, Episode 17 - Aired February 3, 2014

As they search for the missing groom on the day of the wedding, Robin and Ted talk reminisce about his past relationships. Meanwhile, Marshall works through his argument Lily after she storms out, and Barney teaches two young guys all he knows about being awesome.

Quote from Robin

Ted: Where could Barney be?
Robin: Oh, relax. He always finds his way home.
Ted: St. Patrick's Day, 2008. He did not find his way home that night.
Robin: That dumpster was a block from his apartment. I call that a win. Also, that isn't the filthiest trash he's ever slept with. Ho! My future husband, folks! Or maybe he bailed on the wedding.
Ted: Oh, come on. Don't even think like that.
Robin: Well, he's terrified of commitment. Although, ironically, loves being tied down...


Quote from Ted

Ted: Look, as the run-offee at my own almost-wedding, I can tell you you are fine. Barney is no Stella.
Robin: Mmm. Hey, have you talked to her in a while?
Ted: Stella?
Robin: Yeah.
Ted: The woman who broke my heart and embarrassed me in front of all my friends and loved ones? [laughing] Uh... no.
Future Ted: [v.o.] That was a lie. A few days earlier, I had talked to Stella on the phone.

Quote from Marshall

Marshall: [on the phone] So the reason someone can't come up to fix the air conditioning is that the ghost of Captain Dearduff, who haunts this room, likes it muggy?
Curtis: That's correct. Although, now that I say it out loud, it does sound kind of ridiculous, because there's no such thing as ghosts. Right?
Marshall: You have outflanked me, Front Desk Guy! Victory is yours!

Quote from Ted

Robin: Can I be honest? Um, it was kind of crazy how all of sudden it was just over between you and Victoria. I mean, you guys were seven years in the making. She left her fiancé for you. What... Why would you break up? What happened?
Ted: [clears throat] We, um... We broke up because of you.

Quote from Ted

Robin: You-you broke up with Victoria because of me?
Ted: She didn't want us to be friends anymore, so I had to let her go.
Robin: Ted... I just... Wow, I... And-and you haven't talked to her since?
Ted: Haven't talked to her since.
Future Ted: [v.o.] Also a lie.

Quote from Ted

Future Ted: [v.o.] But then, 24 hours later... disaster.
Man: [on the phone] I'm sorry, Mr. Mosby. It says here your package was delivered earlier today. Your wife signed for it.
Ted: My... what? I... I don't have a wife.
Man: So, then, who's Jeanette Mosby?
Ted: Oh, you're kidding me.

Quote from Ted

Robin: But what about when we get back from our honeymoon? What about our first night out at the bar? But what then? I mean, is it gonna be weird?
Ted: No.
Robin: How can you be so sure?
Ted: Because I'm not gonna be there. I'm moving to Chicago.

Quote from Ted

Jeanette: So I was at your apartment stealing your mail, and apparently there's some chick named Victoria sending you jewelry from Germany? Somebody owes somebody an explanation.
Ted: Jeanette, that locket is a wedding gift for Robin.
Jeanette: Robin?! Oh, God, this again?
Ted: That I'm giving to her as a friend because I'm kind of the wedding gift master! Now bring it back to me right now!
Jeanette: Fine. Meet me at the Bow Bridge in Central Park in one hour. And by the way, I want Kenny back.
Ted: Who's Kenny?!
Jeanette: My pet tarantula.

Quote from Robin

Ted: We should probably head back.
Robin: Do you want to watch the sun come up?
Ted: Sure.

Quote from Ted

Robin: And... new day.
Ted: Yep, new day. Okay, you need to get at least a little sleep. Come on.

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