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Monday Night Football

‘Monday Night Football’

Season 2, Episode 14 -  Aired February 5, 2007

After they gang miss the Superbowl because of a funeral, they adopt a media blackout to get through Monday without learning the score.

Quote from Robin

Robin: [on TV] And after the Super Bowl, the mayor of the losing team's city had to pay up, sending the mayor of the winning team's city 15 pounds of a delicacy his of her city is famous for. Better fire up whatever type of grill, steamer or fryer one might use to cook that delicacy, Winning Team's Mayor.


Quote from Barney

Barney: Sir, who won the Super Bowl?
Man #1: Sorry. I missed the game.
Barney: You missed...?! How could he miss...? Excuse me! Who won the Super Bowl?!
Man #2: I... don't really follow sports.
Barney: Oh, my...! Emmitt Smith! Oh, thank God.
Emmitt Smith: Yeah, I get that a lot.
Barney: You got to tell me, who won the Super Bowl?
Emmitt Smith: The game was last night? You know, once you win two or three of those things, it's kind of like, eh.
Barney: But you're Emmitt Smith. You're a football player. It's Super Bowl Sunday. What could possibly be more important than football?!
Emmitt Smith: Dance, my friend. Dance.
Barney: [drops to his knees and cries] No!

Quote from Future Ted

Future Ted: [v.o.] Kids, I told you stories about all the big holidays: Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving; but one holiday was always my favorite, Super Bowl Sunday. And there was one Super Bowl back in 2007 that I will never forget.

Quote from Marshall

Ted: And I will be going to Quinn's to pick up the world's greatest food, the Super Bowl Hot Wings Platter.
Marshall: If I were a chicken, I'd go cannibal for those bad boys. Just eat my own damn wing off. I don't care. I'm crazy like that.

Quote from Ted

Wendy: Here's the info for tomorrow night.
Ted: What's tomorrow night?
Wendy: Oh, God, you didn't hear? Mark died.
Lily: Oh, my God.
Marshall: Oh, my gosh.
Wendy: The funeral's tomorrow at 6:00, and I know it would have meant a lot to Mark if you came. You guys were his favorite customers.
Ted: Oh, wow.
Lily: Stay strong.
Marshall: We're so sorry. [The waitress leaves]
Ted: ... Who was Mark?
Marshall: No idea.
Barney: Not a clue.

Quote from Ted

Lily: Well, I guess we should go, right?
Marshall: Wait, tomorrow night at 6:00, that's the Super Bowl.
Ted: Okay, I feel terrible, but the truth is we didn't know Mike.
Lily: Mark.
Ted: Mark, and as long as we send flowers, I can't think of any reason we'd have to-
Carl: [to another patron] Get out of here! I never want to see your face in this bar again! This soulless b*st*rd just told me he can't come to Mark's funeral because he wants to watch the Super Bowl. Could you believe that? You guys are coming, right?
All: Yes.

Quote from Robin

Lily: We are not fast-forwarding through the commercials.
Robin: Yeah, they're the best part.
Ted: Oh, come on. Remember last year? Who wants to watch a monkey in a coconut bra order a pizza?
Robin: Oh, my God. This monkey was so cute.

Quote from Marshall

Robin: This is going faster than I thought. We'll make an appearance at the bar for the wake, we'll be watching the game by 8:00.
[cut to the bar:]
Carl: And even though we didn't see any whales, Mark and I both said it was the best day of our lives. Okay, I'm getting us another round. And when I come back, everyone else is telling their favorite Mark story. [exits]
Marshall: Dibs on the one Carl just told.

Quote from Ted

Ted: We have to watch the game together. It's tradition. Think of all the great times we've had watching this game.
[flashback to 2003:]
Ted: Second down, everyone drink.
Barney: Ted, it's not a drinking game if you drink anytime anything happens.
Marshall: Are these chicken wings or angel wings? God, I love these things.
Ted: I love you guys. This is so great, all of us watching the Super Bowl together. This is special. We need to do this every year, promise me!
Marshall: Calm down, buddy.
Lily: Oh, commercials!
Ted: Everyone drink!

Quote from Barney

Ted: Look, we always watch the Super Bowl together. So we make a pact to watch it tomorrow at 6:00 and go the next 18 hours without finding out who won.
Barney: That's impossible.
Ted: I'm not gonna lie to you. It's not gonna be easy. That means no TV, no Internet, no newspapers, nothing. Media blackout. But our tradition lives on. Who's in?
Lily: I'm in.
Robin: I'm in.
Marshall: I'm in.
Barney: What the hell, I'm in. High five!
Ted: Dude, we're at a wake.
Barney: Sorry. Solemn low five.

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