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Shopping Around

‘Shopping Around’

Season 5, Episode 24 - Aired May 7, 1996

As things get serious between Tim's mother, Lucille (Bonnie Bartlett), and his old shop teacher, Mr. Leonard (Dick O'Neill), Tim catches Mr. Leonard out with another woman.

Quote from Tim

Maitre 'D : Buon giorno.
Tim: No, Taylor. Tim Taylor. It's unbelievable how many guys think I'm this Buongiorno guy.
Jill: Amazing coincidence.
Maitre 'D : Ah, your table is ready. Antonio will be your waiter.
Tim: Thank you.
Antonio: Buon giorno.
Tim: I must be the guy's twin.


Quote from Tim

Antonio: Sir, would you care to see our wine list?
Tim: You bet I would.
Antonio: Perhaps I can interest you in the Brunello di Malticino?
Tim: Is that the price per bottle or for the vineyard?
Antonio: Perhaps you'd be interested in something a little more modest?
Tim: Maybe with a twist-off.
Antonio: In that case, may I offer you a soda? We have a root beer that's quite amusing.
Tim: And a waiter who's not. How about just two nice glasses of your house white?
Antonio: Very good, sir.

Quote from Tim

Tim: Mr. Leonard's here with another woman.
Jill: Well, it's probably his daughter.
Tim: That would make him 195 years old.
Jill: Well, maybe it's his sister.
Tim: They were kissing on the lips.
Jill: Lots of families kiss on the lips.
Tim: Yeah. The families from Deliverance.

Quote from Tim

Jill: Tim, don't jump to any conclusions. You know what kind of man Mr. Leonard is. [sees Mr. Leonard kissing the woman] A dirty, rotten, two-timing rat!
Antonio: Would you like your wine served in the planter?
Tim: We were just admiring the greenery. What are these called?
Antonio: Plants. Might I tell you about the specials tonight?
Tim: How can you think of food at a time like this?
Antonio: Perhaps because this is a restaurant?

Quote from Tim

Jill: This is so depressing.
Tim: Tell me about it. I've looked up to that man since I was a little kid. He said all those romantic things to Mom. What'd he call her?
Jill: A peach in a little red wagon.
Tim: Probably calling her a kumquat in a little blue tractor. Here they come! Hide!
Jill: Where?
Tim: Under the table! [they get under the table]
Antonio: [looks under the table] Would you like to hear the specials now?

Quote from Tim

Antonio: May I interest you in some dessert?
Jill: Ooh, we'd love dessert.
Antonio: We have a delicious Crème brûlée.
Tim: [sees Mr. Leonard] I don't believe this guy!
Antonio: All right, it's a little bland. But the chocolate mousse is excellent.
Jill: You can't believe a word the man says.
Antonio: All right. The lemon tart. I swear by it.

Quote from Tim

Tim: Hey, Art.
Mr. Leonard: Well, hello, Timmy.
Tim: What the heck's going on here? You have a lot of nerve.
Mr. Leonard: Careful, Tim.
Tim: She's half your age, buddy! You ought to be ashamed of yourself.
Mr. Leonard: Tim, I'd like you to meet my daughter.
Tim: Well, of course it's your daughter. She's half your age. [laughs] It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm just going to slip back to my table and finish my other foot.

Quote from Tim

Tim: Why don't we tell everyone what we're going to do this week.
Mr. Leonard: Oh, sure. OK. First I'll be showing you how to frame with steel. Then how to install aluminum gutters, and then we'll talk about flashing on your roof.
Tim: Which is better than where he usually does it out there in the street.
Mr. Leonard: Do you remember when you used to make cracks like that in class?
Tim: Yeah. Yeah. You used to give me that "shut up and wait in the hall" look. Is he looking at me right now?
Tim: OK, I'll stand in the hall.
Mr. Leonard: Oh, come on. Get back here.
Al: When I was in school, I never spoke until I was called on.
Mr. Leonard: Did I call on you?
Al: No.

Quote from Brad

Brad: Mom, someone's gotta take that perfume away from Grandma. The whole upstairs reeks.
Jill: She wants to smell pretty for her date with Mr. Leonard.
Brad: Grandma's going out on a date? Isn't she a little old for that?
Jill: Brad, your social life doesn't end just because you're a senior citizen.
Brad: I guess you'll find out in a couple years.
Jill: You do know that the oldest son has to feed and bathe his mother.
Brad: [shudders] Gross!

Quote from Tim

Tim: The whole upstairs stinks!
Jill: It's just your mother's perfume.
Tim: Why do you women think that we want you to smell like flowers?
Jill: What do you want us to smell like?
Tim: Cigars. If you want to attract a man, spray on a little Essence of Stogie.

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