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The Breakup, Part 2

‘The Breakup, Part 2’

Season 1, Episode 17 - Aired March 15, 2001

Rory doesn't want to wallow following her break-up with Dean, so she wakes Lorelai up bright and early so they can work through a list of weekend activities.

Quote from Paris

Paris: So, I didn't think you were a party girl.
Rory: I'm not usually. But I thought I might come by and check it out.
Paris: It's the same exact people we see every day at school except now we get to see them dance. So where is your boyfriend?
Rory: We, um, broke up.
Paris: Oh. Well, at least you had a boyfriend for a while.
Rory: Do you know which way will lead us to some soda?
Paris: Keep up because I'm not turning around. [walks off]
Lane: Wow, you didn't exaggerate.
Rory: Paris needs no embellishment.


Quote from Paris

Lane: All of this soda is French.
Paris: Madeline's mother has a French fetish. She's obsessed with all things French. French wine, French food, French water, French cellulite products.

Quote from Paris

Paris: 9:45.
Rory: Why do you keep checking your watch?
Paris: My mom says I have to stay till 10:30.
Rory: Why would she care?
Paris: She thinks I'm not enough of a people person. Shocking, huh?
Rory: I'm floored.
Paris: Well, I doubt highly that Madame Curie was voted 'most likely to dress like Jennifer Lopez'.
Rory: You want to be a scientist?
Paris: Cancer research.
Rory: Cool.
Paris: Yeah.

Quote from Lane

Lane: Oh, no.
Rory: What?
Lane: It just figures that the only Korean boy at this party has his Korean-girl radar turned on.

Quote from Lane

Lane: I have to go.
Henry: Wait, can I get your number?
Lane: Last name's Kim. We're the only ones in Stars Hollow. [to herself] I can't believe I just gave my number to a potential Korean doctor.

Quote from Rory

Rory: So I used to have a boyfriend and now I don't. Okay, that's just the way it is. I mean, sitting in the dark eating junk food and not shaving my legs isn't gonna change that, is it?
Lorelai: No.
Rory: Okay, so I don't even want to go there. I have things to do. I have school and Harvard to think about.
Lorelai: Honey, Harvard's, like, three years away.
Rory: But now is the time to be preparing for it. I mean, Harvard is hard to get into and I don't know why I even spend my time thinking about anything else.
Lorelai: Because you have a pulse. And you're not the president of the audiovisual club.
Rory: I'm 16. I have the rest of my life to have a boyfriend. I should be keeping my eye on the prize right now.
Lorelai: I admire your attitude.
Rory: Thank you.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: Could I see the pen for a sec?
Rory: Why?
Lorelai: Small adjustment. Small adjustment.
Rory: Mom.
Lorelai: What? It's on the list. Don't you have to do it if it's there?
Rory: I am not going to wallow.
Lorelai: But I put it after going to the recycling center.

Quote from Kirk

Kirk: [to Rory] I never liked him. I don't know exactly what it was. Something about the shape of his forehead or his height or the floppy hairstyle. Actually, yes, on reflection, I think it was the floppy hairstyle.
Lorelai: Hey, good morning, Kirk.
Kirk: Lorelai, I want to express my apologies for not voicing my concerns about that floppy-haired jerk earlier, because if I had...
Lorelai: Don't. You know what, you need to leave now.
Kirk: I cannot go until you accept my apology.
Lorelai: I accept your apology.
Kirk: All right. It will not happen again.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: Honey, are you sure you don't want to...
Rory: Do not say wallow.
Lorelai: Swallow your coffee before you eat?
Rory: I am fine.
Lorelai: I wish you could see the look on your face.
Rory: It's the same look you had on your face when you broke up with Max. Did wallowing help you get over him?
Lorelai: Uh... I'm not saying wallowing will help you get over Dean. It's part of the process. It's the mourning period. It's a step, an important step. The only thing that'll get you over somebody is time.

Quote from Rory

Rory: How much time did it take you to get over Max?
Lorelai: I'm not sure exactly.
Rory: Approximately?
Lorelai: I didn't clock it.
Rory: Ballpark figure?
Lorelai: A while.
Rory: Be vaguer.
Lorelai: Rory, come on.

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