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Quote from Rory in The Breakup, Part 2

Rory: So I used to have a boyfriend and now I don't. Okay, that's just the way it is. I mean, sitting in the dark eating junk food and not shaving my legs isn't gonna change that, is it?
Lorelai: No.
Rory: Okay, so I don't even want to go there. I have things to do. I have school and Harvard to think about.
Lorelai: Honey, Harvard's, like, three years away.
Rory: But now is the time to be preparing for it. I mean, Harvard is hard to get into and I don't know why I even spend my time thinking about anything else.
Lorelai: Because you have a pulse. And you're not the president of the audiovisual club.
Rory: I'm 16. I have the rest of my life to have a boyfriend. I should be keeping my eye on the prize right now.
Lorelai: I admire your attitude.
Rory: Thank you.

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