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The Bracebridge Dinner

‘The Bracebridge Dinner’

Season 2, Episode 10 - Aired December 11, 2001

When a corporate party is unable to get to the Independence Inn for a lavish dinner, Lorelai throws open an invitation to the whole town.

Quote from Sookie

Lorelai: Is everything under control?
Sookie: Yeah. No. This needs something, and I cannot think of what it is. It's that tart, kind of spicy, white... Salt! The word is "salt"!
Lorelai: You forgot the word for "salt"?
Sookie: Everything's under control.
Lorelai: Good.
Sookie: Absolutely, 100%.
Lorelai: Yeah, you're exuding confidence. [to a kitchen worker] Have the oxygen ready.


Quote from Emily

Lorelai: What got into him?
Rory: He's totally different.
Emily: I know. He's been that way for two days. I have no idea why, but I'm taking the credit.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: Everybody, will you gather round? Everyone. First, I want to welcome you to the first annual and probably never to be held again as Sookie's close to a nervous breakdown, Bracebridge dinner.
Sookie: I'm fine. Everything's fine.
Lorelai: I also want to thank Mother Nature for snowing in the Trelling Paper Company in Chicago so I could throw this great party for all my friends instead. It's a very special night. And sso since I don't get to eat unbelievably strange food with my friends every day, I've arranged a little surprise. Outside, as we speak, is a line of horse-drawn sleighs and everybody gets a ride. [applause] So line up and keep it orderly. There's two per sleigh. And no cutting in front of each other. That goes for everyone. Except me, 'cause I'll be damned if I miss a ride in a horse-drawn sleigh.
Luke: You gonna go?
Jess: I think I'll wait for the clog dancing.

Quote from Lorelai

Luke: I gotta say, sleigh rides are a little much, but these horses are beautiful.
Lorelai: Especially from this angle.
Luke: Not just from this angle.
Lorelai: Seriously. Don't backtrack. Horse has got a nice butt there.
Luke: That's not what I'm saying.
Lorelai: Nice firm heinie.
Luke: Stop talking about the horse's heinie.

Quote from Jess

Rory: What are you doing?
Jess: Well, I heard it was two to a sleigh, no more, no less. You're breaking the rules.
Rory: You could've hurt yourself.
Jess: I live on the edge. I could jump out if you want.
Rory: It doesn't matter to me.

Quote from Jess

Jess: Hey, what do you and Dean talk about?
Rory: What?
Jess: I mean, does he know Bjork?
Rory: I've played him some stuff.
Jess: So you got a teacher-student thing going.
Rory: Stop.
Jess: No, really, I'm curious. What do you guys talk about?
Rory: Everything.
Jess: Like-
Rory: Everything. Tons of stuff. Whatever.
Jess: It's just that in the brief, non-pugilistic time I've spent with him in class, he just doesn't seem like your kind of guy.
Rory: Well, he is my kind of guy. He's exactly my kind of guy.
Jess: Okay, guess I don't know him that well.
Rory: You don't. [off Jess's look] You don't.

Quote from Emily

Richard: Lorelai, this is just beautiful. It's like something out of Architectural Digest. You should be very proud.
Lorelai: Thanks, Dad.
Emily: Your dress needs pressing.
Lorelai: Thanks, Mom.

Quote from Jess

Jason: Lo! Now has come our joyfullest feast. Let every man be jolly. [chuckles]
Jess: We should have eaten before we came.
Luke: Ssh. And, yeah.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: They're the Old England Abbott and Costello.

Quote from Luke

Jess: What's the white stuff?
Luke: I think it's cheese or cream.
Jess: And the green stuff?
Luke: I think it's best picked off.

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