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So... Good Talk

‘So... Good Talk’

Season 5, Episode 16 - Aired March 1, 2005

Rory can't hide her anger with her grandmother when she joins Richard and Emily for Friday night dinner. Meanwhile, Sookie tries to get Lorelai out of the house, and Luke's unhappiness is affecting service at the diner.

Quote from Richard

Emily: I know this seems a bit basic, but Eliza found the first decent strawberries of the year. I'm so mad at California.
Richard: Well, you'd think that rain would be good for crops. It's counter-intuitive.


Quote from Rory

Emily: What is wrong with you?
Rory: Nothing.
Emily: I asked you about that museum earlier and all you did was mumble something about hitting it.
Rory: I should have been more expansive. I'm sorry.
Emily: You've been pushing me away all evening.
Richard: Emily, please.
Emily: You asked your grandfather question after question and make polite chit-chat about the duck with the maid, what's her name, tell her it's wonderful-
Rory: Because she made it. And her name is Eliza.
Emily: I told her to make it. You're enjoying duck because I requested duck.
Rory: Well, it was a great duck, Grandma. Kudos on the duck.

Quote from Rory

Emily: We have a contract.
Rory: A contract?
Emily: We pay for Yale. You come to dinner every Friday night and you act pleasantly and decently.
Rory: You're right, Grandma. We do have a contract. But it's to come to dinner. Period. There's no agreement on how vivacious or bubbly I have to be.
Emily: You need to act like you.
Rory: I am.
Emily: This isn't you.
Rory: Look, Grandma, you know what you did.
Richard: Rory, please sit down.
Rory: I mean, what did you expect? Ten Acropolis postcards and I forget the fact that you broke up Mom and Luke? Now, I respect our contract. And I will continue to come every Friday night and eat dinner with you. But I won't guarantee an attitude that will please you. Excuse me.
Emily: You are certainly not excused, we're not through.
Rory: We have had dessert, I'll skip the port. Good night.
Richard: Rory.
Rory: Good night, Grandpa. I'll see you in a week.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: Okay, well. If he's that important to you, I should probably, you know, meet him again, under different circumstances.
Rory: Right.
Lorelai: Everything all buttoned and zipped.
Rory: You will, I promise.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: [answers phone] Hello?
Richard: Lorelai, it's your father.
Lorelai: Well, hello there, my father. What can I do for you?
Richard: Well, you can take a more serious tone, for starters.
Lorelai: Oh. [British accent] Hello, my father.
Richard: Lorelai.
Lorelai: Oh, sorry. I thought the British thing made it pretty serious.

Quote from Luke

Lane: Luke, my cheeseburger and fries up yet?
Luke: How would I know? What am I, a food psychic? What, do you want to know how the grapefruit crop's gonna be this year? Hold on, I'm getting a message from a kumquat from beyond the grave.
Lane: Okay, I'll go see for myself.

Quote from Rory

Rory: Oh, thank God. I am starving. I have been dreaming about Luke's cheeseburgers for a month.
Lane: How's the inventory coming?
Rory: Perfect. I have a great system going. This is my "to be written down" pile, my "already written down" pile, and this is my pile of books that I have seen and now have to buy.
Lane: That's a big pile.
Rory: Yep.
Lane: Bigger than the other two piles.
Rory: Yep.
Lane: This job must be costing you a fortune.
Rory: Yep.

Quote from Rory

Rory: Oh, my God. What is that thing?
Lane: Sorry. I should have warned you.
Rory: This is disgusting. This is from Luke's?
Lane: Yeah, he's been a little off his game lately.
Rory: Off his game? It's like Tiger Woods made this thing.

Quote from Lane

Lane: Luke's been in a mood.
Rory: And he's taking it out on the cheeseburgers?
Lane: It's been awful. Everything's either been burnt or dropped. He's absolutely miserable. He just mopes and growls and stomps around. He throws customers out the door.
Rory: Geez.
Lane: I'm assuming his mood might have something to do with a certain someone who's been spending a lot of her time at Weston's lately.
Rory: Oh, poor, sad Luke.
Lane: Poor, sad tips.
Rory: Listen, I have to get something to eat. You want to run over to Al's with me?
Lane: Can't. If Luke's left alone too long, he might burn the place down.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: Well, is it bad, is it good, am I screwed? What do you think?
Richard: Philip and I have thoroughly toured the property, and with the exception of one too many garden gnomes, we have found it to be in top shape.
Lorelai: Really?
Richard: Yes. I've also reviewed your policy, and while I tip my hat to the criminal genius who convinced you to sign it, I find it appalling.
Lorelai: I knew the name Sheisty McSheisterson should have tipped me off.

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