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Secrets & Loans

‘Secrets & Loans’

Season 2, Episode 11 - Aired January 29, 2002

When Lorelai discovers her house is infested with termites, she exhausts all her options trying to get a loan to pay for the repair work - all except one. Meanwhile, Rory is surprised to learn that Lane is now a cheerleader.

Quote from Lorelai

Sookie: No, I mean it. You're an upstanding citizen, an active part of the community.
Rory: You made all of the donkey outfits for the Christmas festival last year.
Sookie: You organized the "Save the Historic Oak Tree" campaign.
Rory: And you played Tevye in the Stars Hollow Community theater production of Fiddler on the Roof.
Lorelai: Yes, well, five and a half stars from the Stars Hollow Gazette. Unheard of till then.


Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: If our house does fall down and we end up living in a hollowed-out tree, this moment might make it all worth it.

Quote from Rory

Rory: Then she chased me halfway down the street with a hose. It was like a scene from Silkwood.
Lorelai: Ugh, news travels way too fast around here.
Rory: Four people asked me when we were tenting, two asked if we were moving, one asked me if we were atheists.
Lorelai: See, we have to stop talking to people. We have to stay at home with the curtains drawn collecting old newspapers, muttering to each other, eating nothing but Cup-a-Soup and Slim Jims.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: Paris again?
Rory: Yep.
Lorelai: You know, I think if we put Paris and my mother in a room together, the world would implode.
Rory: [chuckles] I'll keep that in mind for the next science fair.

Quote from Lorelai

Emily: You should lie down.
Lorelai: I'm fine.
Emily: You work too hard.
Lorelai: No, I don't.
Emily: If you didn't work so hard, you wouldn't have a tension headache.
Lorelai: It's not a work tension headache.
Emily: So then you are sick.
Lorelai: Actually, I am. I'm sick.
Emily: I knew it. What's wrong?
Lorelai: Consumption with a touch of the vapors. I'm going for a leeching tonight.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: I told you going to my parents was not an option.
Rory: I know.
Lorelai: In fact, I told you several times that asking my parents was not an option. Now, yes, I may have made a few quips to lighten the subject matter but I still think I made my point pretty damn clear.
Rory: Fine. But we have a real problem here.
Lorelai: Oh, you think I don't know that? You think I sit around all day swapping witticisms with Robert Benchley at the Algonquin? No. I am thinking and worrying and using the computer, and I hate using the computer.

Quote from Michel

Michel: Perhaps you are taking the wrong approach.
Lorelai: Meaning?
Michel: Well, you've tried to convince them of your virtue. Perhaps it's time to offer them a lap dance. [off Lorelai's look] You didn't!
Lorelai: I was kidding. Sort of. Well, I have to do something, and I'm not sure exactly where to draw the line.
Michel: You know, in Thailand, women do this trick with a Ping-Pong ball that is a big crowd pleaser.
Lorelai: Line drawn. Thank you.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: Let me get this straight. You and some guys who actually know what they're doing are gonna come over, fix my house, and I pay them back whenever I want?
Luke: That's right.
Lorelai: 'Cause I'm Tony Soprano?
Luke: Only scarier.

Quote from Emily

Lorelai: You are not seriously sitting there.
Emily: No. It's a hologram. Lifelike, isn't it?
Lorelai: Mom, why are you here?
Emily: I just wanted to see if you'd show up.
Lorelai: I did.
Emily: I see.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: I swear, one of these days, "Alice, pow! Right to the moon."
Emily: What on earth are you talking about? Who's Alice?

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