‘Rory's Dance’
Season 1, Episode 9 - Aired December 20, 2000
Rory asks Dean to go with her to a school dance. Meanwhile, Emily takes care of Lorelai after she injures her back.
Quote from Rory
Lane: Rory, listen to me, there's absolutely no point in having a boyfriend if you can't get him to go the dance with you.
Rory: He's not my boyfriend.
Lane: Really?
Rory: No.
Lane: What is he then?
Rory: He's my gentleman caller.
Lane: Okay, Blanche.
Quote from Lane
Rory: I don't know what he is, but he's not a boyfriend. Do you think he's my boyfriend?
Lane: I think you guys spend a lot of time not kissing other people, if it isn't a girlfriend/boyfriend sort of thing.
Rory: Girlfriend.
Lane: You.
Rory: Boyfriend.
Lane: Him.
Rory: No, it sounds weird.
Lane: Look, have you had the talk yet?
Rory: Yes, Lane. Babies come from the stork.
Lane: The other talk.
Rory: What other talk?
Lane: "We've been dating a few weeks now. Where do we stand? If another girl asks you out, do you feel free to go?"
Rory: How is it you know so much about this?
Lane: Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach.
Quote from Rory
Rory: See, there's this thing at my school on Saturday. Well, it's not really at my school, but it's kind of given by my school.
Dean: What is it?
Rory: Well, it's this kind of thing where you go, and they play music and you're supposed to get dressed up and dance, and then there's chicken.
Dean: Chicken?
Rory: Well, I don't know if there's chicken. But at these kinds of things they often serve chicken because it's probably cheaper and people eat it. So the logic behind the chicken choice really isn't that bad.
Dean: I'm lost.
Rory: It's a dance.
Dean: Ah.
Rory: And it's not like I'm dying to go or anything, but it is a new school and being a part of the social activities is really important at Chilton.
Dean: So are you asking me to go to a dance with you?
Rory: No. Yes. I mean, if you wanted to go, I would go, too.
Dean: Well, that would probably be good since it's your school.
Rory: Right.
Quote from Lorelai
Lorelai: [on the phone] Mom, Rory is going to the dance.
Emily: She is?
Lorelai: Uh-huh.
Emily: That's wonderful! I'm thrilled.
Lorelai: I'm making her dress right now.
Emily: You're making her dress?
Lorelai: Yeah.
Emily: But why?
Lorelai: Well, so she'll look really ugly and people will point and throw rocks.
Emily: Why don't you let me buy her a dress?
Lorelai: Mom, you were thrilled five seconds ago, remember?
Emily: You're not using the curtains, are you?
Quote from Emily
Emily: Why would you need help up the stairs?
Lorelai: No reason. Rory, let's go. Your public awaits!
Emily: Why aren't you moving?
Lorelai: I'm comfortable, that's all.
Emily: Are you hurt?
Lorelai: I have a little back spasm. That's it. It's no big deal.
Emily: What sort of back spasm?
Lorelai: I don't know, Mom. Just a normal one.
Emily: There is nothing normal about a back spasm. The very fact that it has the word 'spasm' in it means it's not normal.
Quote from Lorelai
Emily: What do you know about this boy?
Lorelai: I know that Rory likes him and that his parole officer has high hopes for his rehabilitation.
Emily: Does he drink?
Lorelai: Like a fish.
Emily: That's not a crazy question.
Lorelai: It is a crazy question, Mom, because if I knew he was a drinker, he would not be with Rory now.
Emily: Yes, but-
Lorelai: Mom, please relax. Dean is a good kid. Rory's gonna have a great time. You got your pictures. Tomorrow I will call you and give you all the details.
Quote from Emily
Emily: I'll go start some tea. Please tell me you have something besides Lipton.
Lorelai: [to herself] A stroke would be so good right about now.
Quote from Rory
Rory: Maybe we should just forget about this.
Dean: Okay.
Rory: I mean, it's just a dance. What's the big deal?
Dean: Beats me.
Rory: And these kids at my school... Awful. Have you seen The Outsiders?
Dean: Yeah, I have.
Rory: Just call me Ponyboy.
Quote from Dean
Dean: Okay, this dancing thing is not something I want you to get used to or comment on.
Rory: Now, that goes both ways.
Dean: Hey, if I kiss you, is a nun gonna come out and boot me out of here?
Rory: It's not a Catholic school.
Dean: So I can kiss you?
Rory: Yeah, you can kiss me. [Dean kisses Rory]