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Rory's Dance

‘Rory's Dance’

Season 1, Episode 9 -  Aired December 20, 2000

Rory asks Dean to go with her to a school dance. Meanwhile, Emily takes care of Lorelai after she injures her back.

Quote from Lorelai

Emily: Oh, look, Barbara Stanwyck. I just love Barbara Stanwyck.
Lorelai: Yeah, she's good.
Emily: She had that wonderful voice, that husky, deep voice. I just love that voice.
Lorelai: You know, Mom, you have kind of a Barbara Stanwycky voice.
Emily: I do not.
Lorelai: I mean it. You could've gotten Fred MacMurray to off Dad if you'd really wanted to.
Emily: You do enjoy teasing me, don't you?
Lorelai: You know, I really do.


Quote from Dean

Dean: That was quite a dance.
Rory: I seriously don't know what got into him.
Dean: I do.
Rory: What?
Dean: He has a thing for you.
Rory: No, he doesn't. It's just a game to him or something.
Dean: He has a thing for you.
Rory: He does nothing but insult me and make me miserable.
Dean: He has a thing for you.

Quote from Rory

Rory: I don't know how I feel about this whole situation.
Dean: What do you mean?
Rory: I don't know. Having my boyfriend defend my honor. It's weird.
Dean: Uh... Boyfriend?
Rory: What?
Dean: You said "boyfriend".
Rory: No, I just meant boyfriend in the sense that the defending-me thing was very boyfriendy but only in the broadest sense of the word which doesn't even apply at all here.
Dean: You are seriously babbling.
Rory: I didn't mean that you were my boyfriend.
Dean: Okay.
Rory: I don't think you're my boyfriend.
Dean: Okay.

Quote from Rory

Rory: Dean?
Dean: What?
Rory: Are you my boyfriend?
Dean: In the "broadest sense of the word" way?
Rory: No, in the real "Hi, this is Dean, my boyfriend", kind of way.
Dean: Well, I am if you want me to be.
Rory: I do.
Dean: Okay.
Rory: So it's settled.
Dean: Yes, it is.
Rory: You're my boyfriend.
Dean: That's the consensus.

Quote from Lorelai

Emily: What kind of mother are you to allow this?
Lorelai: Oh, I don't know. What kind of mother were you?
Emily: You're gonna lose her. You're gonna lose her just like I lost you.
Lorelai: I am not gonna lose her. Do you hear me? Even if I hadn't gotten pregnant, you still would have lost me. I had nothing in that house. I had no life, no air. You strangled me. I do not strangle Rory.
Emily: Oh, you're so perfect, and I was so horrible. I put you in good schools. I gave you the best of everything. I made sure you had the finest opportunities. And I am so tired of hearing about how you were suffocated and I was so controlling. Well, if I was so controlling why couldn't I control you getting pregnant and throwing your life away?
Lorelai: Get out.
Emily: What?
Lorelai: You will not come into my house and tell me I threw my life away. Look around, Mom. This is a life. It has a little color, so it may look unfamiliar to you. But it's a life. And if I hadn't gotten pregnant, I wouldn't have Rory.
Emily: You know that's not what I meant.
Lorelai: Maybe I was some horrible, uncontrollable child like you say but Rory isn't. She's smart and careful, and I trust her. And she's gonna be fine. And if you can't accept or believe that, then I don't want you in this house!

Quote from Rory

Lorelai: Do you have any idea what it's like to wake up with my mother here and find out that you never came home?
Rory: So all this is about Grandma being here?
Lorelai: No, it's about the feeling of complete terror when your kid isn't in her bed in the morning.
Rory: I'm sorry.
Lorelai: And then it's about a whole different kind of terror when I find out that you spent the night with some guy!
Rory: I didn't "spend the night" with him. We fell asleep.
Lorelai: You are going on the pill.
Rory: What?
Lorelai: You are not getting pregnant!
Rory: I'm not sleeping with Dean! What happened to all that stuff you said to Grandma? What happened to trusting me? Where did all that go?
Lorelai: Well, I think it's back on Patty's yoga mats.
Rory: This is crap! You know I didn't do anything. You know this was an accident. You're just mad because I screwed up and I did it in front of Grandma, and she nailed you for it. Well, I'm sorry that I screwed up, and I'm sorry that you got yelled at but I didn't do anything, and you know it!

Quote from Emily

Emily: Lorelai Gilmore, I've watched you do a lot of stupid things in your life and I have held my tongue.
Lorelai: [scoffs] You've what?
Emily: But I will not stand by and let you allow that girl to ruin her life.
Lorelai: Mom, back off.
Emily: She spent the night out with that boy the one you let her run off to that dance with.
Lorelai: Mom, so help me God, I will not get into this with you.
Emily: She's doing the same thing you did.
Lorelai: No, she's not.
Emily: She'll get pregnant.
Lorelai: No, she's not.
Emily: She's gonna ruin everything, just like you did.
Lorelai: No, she's not! No, she's not! No, she's not! Rory is a good kid, Mom! She's not me!

Quote from Lorelai

Emily: Lorelai, what are you doing?
Lorelai: Getting rid of the avocado.
Emily: Since when do you not like avocado?
Lorelai: Since the day I said, "Gross. What is this?" And you said, "Avocado."

Quote from Lane

Lane: There he is.
Rory: I should do this later.
Lane: No. You have to do this now.
Rory: Why?
Lane: Because I have to go home soon and my mom threw out our TV when she caught me watching V.I.P. So I'm bored, and I need some entertainment.
Rory: Okay, here I go.
Lane: Good luck. And, Rory, remember to enunciate. I'm reading lips out here.

Quote from Rory

Rory: So do you wanna go?
Dean: Honestly?
Rory: Yeah.
Dean: I've actually never gone to a dance before.
Rory: Because they're lame?
Dean: Yeah, and it's not the way I ever wanted to spend my time. I mean, I'm not a big joiner.
Rory: Okay, fair enough. More beans, please.
Dean: You wanna go, don't you?
Rory: No, I don't. I have no desire to go at all. I was just thinking out loud, that's all.

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