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Christopher Returns

‘Christopher Returns’

Season 1, Episode 15 -  Aired March 1, 2001

When Rory's father, Christopher, visits Stars Hollow for the first time, his and and Lorelai's parents get together for the first time in years.

Quote from Michel

Lorelai: Wow, I have never seen you two enjoy a pleasant moment together.
Sookie: Oh, come on.
Michel: You have seen us enjoy a pleasant moment.
Lorelai: No, not ever.
Michel: Oh, you're being absurd.
Sookie: You have to admit, they are few and far between.
Michel: Through no fault of mine.
Lorelai: I'm just saying it's refreshing. It's not the usual, "Grr!", that's all.
Sookie: Through no fault of yours? I'm sorry, but you're the one that's so... I don't know.
Michel: Oh, I think you do know, or you wouldn't have started saying it.
Sookie: Just yourself, caustic.
Michel: You mean obnoxious?
Sookie: Your words, not mine.
Michel: Go to hell.
Lorelai: Oh, I'm just saying it is refreshing to see the two of you just...


Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: This man knows all my secrets. All of my bad-girl moments happened with him. My worst fashion choices, my big-hair days, wearing the Bonne Bell Lip Smackers around my neck... it was all with Christopher.

Quote from Miss Patty

Rory: Miss Patty, this is my dad, Christopher.
Miss Patty: Your dad.
Christopher: Nice to meet you.
Miss Patty: You're Rory's father. Well, well, well. You know, Christopher, we're all like Rory's parents around here and I'm one of her mothers. And since you're her father that would make us a couple. [laughs] Couple of what, I don't know!
Rory: Okay, well, we gotta be going.
Miss Patty: Yes, well, come back and see me.

Quote from Rory

Christopher: Come on, what's the book of your dreams right now?
Rory: Well, that would definitely be The Compact Oxford English Dictionary, but Dad...
Christopher: Excuse me, one Compact Oxford English Dictionary, please.
Rory: Dad, no. It costs a fortune.
Christopher: You need something to remember this visit by.
Andrew: Here you go.
Christopher: Holy mother! This is the monolith from 2001.
Rory: It has every word ever recorded in the English language plus origins and earliest usage.
Christopher: You sure you wouldn't rather have a car? They weigh about the same.

Quote from Luke

Lorelai: That would've been her dad.
Luke: Really? So that's...
Lorelai: The guy who impregnated me with Rory, yes.
Luke: Uh. He did a good job.
Lorelai: Impregnating me with Rory?
Luke: Now, this has taken a very weird turn.

Quote from Lorelai

Emily: [on the phone] Lorelai, Christopher is in town.
Lorelai: [gasps] What? I didn't know. Coincidentally, I'm sitting across from an amazing Christopher hologram.
Emily: Well, I just had this wonderful idea. Christopher's parents are in town, too. You remember Straub and Francine, don't you?
Lorelai: Ah, yes, the Schnickelfritzes.
Emily: The who?
Lorelai: The Haydens.

Quote from Rory

Lorelai: [sighs] I've gotta see my parents.
Christopher: [sighs] I've gotta see my parents.
Rory: Ladies and gentlemen, the drama king and queen of Connecticut.

Quote from Lorelai

Emily: Christopher, look at you.
Christopher: Emily, as always, perfect.
Emily: I am so glad to see you. I didn't hear the doorbell.
Lorelai: We didn't ring the doorbell.
Emily: You let yourselves in?
Lorelai: Yes, Mom, and it's okay. Look, not a rapist among us.
Rory: Hi, Grandma.
Emily: You usually knock.
Lorelai: Not since you gave us a key.
Emily: That's for emergencies.
Lorelai: Mom, I'm starving to death. Is that enough of an emergency for you?

Quote from Richard

So, Christopher, tell me about your business.
Emily: Oh, Richard, let the poor boy relax.
Richard: Well, I simply want to find out how it's going.
Christopher: It's going great. I'm afraid to jinx it by telling you how good it's going.
Richard: That is wonderful. I always knew you had it in you. You have a splash of greatness, as my mother would say. You always had that splash of greatness.
Lorelai: [holding an empty glass] I'd like another splash of greatness if you don't mind.

Quote from Lorelai

Rory: This is weird. These are my other grandparents. I don't even know them. What do I call them?
Christopher: Call them what I call them. As-
Lorelai: Christopher.
Christopher: Sorry, my tie's too tight.
Lorelai: Just call them Straub and Francine. Call them Mr. And Mrs. Hayden. Sir and ma'am? Just avoid calling them anything.

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