‘Christopher Returns’
Season 1, Episode 15 - Aired March 1, 2001
When Rory's father, Christopher, visits Stars Hollow for the first time, his and and Lorelai's parents get together for the first time in years.
Quote from Lorelai
Lorelai: This is the next-to-last thing I thought would happen tonight. The last thing being a saint riding down on a chariot from Heaven to announce Armageddon.
Christopher: Hartford's the place he chooses to make his announcement? I don't think so.
Quote from Lorelai
Lorelai: Are you okay?
Rory: Yeah, I'm fine.
Lorelai: All those crazy people saying horrible things were directing them at me, not you.
Rory: They were directing them to you because you had me.
Lorelai: No, they were directing them at me because I screwed up their big Citizen Kane plans, that's all.
Rory: They don't even wanna know me.
Lorelai: That is not true. They are just so full of anger and stupid pride that stands in the way of them realizing how much they wanna know you.
Rory: Yeah.
Lorelai: Their loss, and it's a pretty big one.
Quote from Lorelai
Christopher: I don't deserve that. I'm as mature as you.
Lorelai: What? The Offspring is your favorite band.
Christopher: So? You're into Metallica.
Lorelai: Well, Metallica is way more substantial than The Offspring.
Christopher: Here we go. It's the same Black Sabbath riff all over again.
Lorelai: Ugh. The Offspring have one chord progression. They use it over and over. They pop on new words and call it a single. And I don't wanna talk about this anymore!
Quote from Lorelai
Lorelai: Chris, come on.
Christopher: Rory might be my only child.
Lorelai: That's not true. If Tony Randall can crank one out in his 70s you have decades left to spawn.
Quote from Rory
Rory: I'm gonna go study before the food arrives.
Christopher: What? Tomorrow's Saturday.
Rory: I know. I like to get my weekend homework done by Saturday night so then I can do extra-credit stuff on Sunday.
Quote from Lorelai
Christopher: Okay, look I've been making changes, especially in my career and I've got all my ducks in a row.
Lorelai: You're opening a shooting gallery.
Christopher: I've been tying up the loose ends of my life.
Lorelai: Do they make that much string?
Christopher: You know, you've always had that verbal thing. Quick mind. It's annoying.
Quote from Lorelai
Lorelai: So you've been tying up loose ends.
Christopher: I don't know what your dad has told you but I'm on the verge of a kind of big success. It's for real this time. I've got a company with actual cash flow. I've got employees. I've got an accountant, for God's sake. He wears a tie and says words like "fiduciary" unironically. It's for real this time.
Lorelai: I would love to believe it is.
Christopher: Hmm. Why does your dad have more faith in me than you?
Lorelai: My father hit his head surfing Rincon a couple of years ago. His judgment's a little off.
Quote from Lorelai
Christopher: So you have zero faith?
Lorelai: I've known you since I was six, Chris. You're that guy who crashed his new Porsche two hours after his parents gave him to it on his sixteenth birthday.
Christopher: And you were the girl in the Pinky Tuscadero T-shirt next to me.
Lorelai: Horrified.
Christopher: Think again.
Lorelai: All right. Having a blast, then horrified.
Quote from Kirk
Kirk: The truth of the matter is that you can't pitch and you can't hit. So this'll be a terrific matchup.
Luke: Knock it off, Kirk.
Kirk: A historic lack of action.
Luke: Don't you have anything better to do with your Saturdays?
Kirk: What can I say, I'm addicted to comedy. Half an hour they've been playing, and it's tied zero-zero. Hey, if you take this show on the road, I've got a name for you. Zero and Zero. Dean Zero and Luke Zero, get it?
Luke: Doesn't even resemble clever.
Kirk: I'm dumbing it down for you, Alfalfa.
Quote from Kirk
Christopher: How long do these games last?
Rory: Till they get tired. Then they say the first team to get a run wins.
Kirk: Yeah, it's really professional down there. Hey, Luke, does your husband play softball, too?
Luke: All right, that's it.
Kirk: Uh... I'm getting a page. I've gotta go. [runs off]