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A Vineyard Valentine

‘A Vineyard Valentine’

Season 6, Episode 15 - Aired February 14, 2006

Logan and Rory invite Lorelai and Luke to join them for a Valentine's stay in Martha's Vineyard.

Quote from Lorelai

Sookie: Since when are you into zydeco?
Lorelai: I just thought it might be festive and funny. I was going to audition them and a dixieland combo and Led Zepagain.
Sookie: Who?
Lorelai: A Led Zeppelin cover band.
Sookie: Oh, that's clever.


Quote from Lorelai

Luke: Lorelai, where do we even stand with this guy?
Lorelai: What guy?
Luke: Logan. Their relationship changes daily. One day we like him, next day we hate him, next day we like him.
Lorelai: Well, we have a sort of truce.
Luke: A truce? What does that mean, a truce?
Lorelai: It's a truce. Everything's okay. None of us should invade each other or fire guns across our borders or anything. We're in a truce.

Quote from Lorelai

Luke: Our bedroom isn't sharing a wall with theirs, is it?
Lorelai: I have no idea.
Luke: You don't know the layout of the house?
Lorelai: I thought spermaceti was a pasta until three minutes ago.
Luke: It's weird staying at people's houses, tiptoeing around, using their sheets, drinking their weird tap water.
Lorelai: We'll stick to small beer. That's what they drank on the whaling boats. If it's good enough for the spermaceti boys...

Quote from Luke

Lorelai: Luke, this is your backcountry bag. Why did you bring your backcountry bag?
Luke: I didn't know what this weekend was.
Lorelai: You didn't know we wouldn't be performing surgery on each other?
Luke: I wanted to be prepared.
Lorelai: I thought this bag was full of clothes.
Luke: My other bag's full of clothes.
Lorelai: You're going to freeze.
Luke: It's plenty for me. I'm warm-blooded.
Lorelai: I know. I know you're warm-blooded. Check it and see.

Quote from Rory

Rory: You've got to read faster.
Logan: I read at my own pace, regardless of peer pressure.
Rory: But my article is continued in the section you've been reading since before John wrote his gospel.

Quote from Lorelai

Rory: We'll be back in a couple hours.
Lorelai: Where are you going?
Rory: The gym.
Lorelai: I'm sorry. The ocean's awfully loud down here. Where did you say you were going?
Rory: The gym.
Lorelai: Sorry, the ocean is so loud-
Rory: Stop it. We like to hit the gym when we're here.
Lorelai: I cannot picture this.
Rory: Well, stop mocking, because it's a good thing.
Lorelai: I want to go just to see you at a gym. You want to go?
Luke: Sure, I'll go.
Rory: Cool. Let's go.
Lorelai: Great, let's all go to the gym. That will never stop being funny.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: Oh, wow. I was, like, in a zen trance. I was totally somewhere else.
Rory: Me too. I was in Greece. Where were you?
Lorelai: Bergdorf Goodman.
Rory: When you reach a zen trance, you go to Bergdorf Goodman?
Lorelai: To each his own.
Lorelai: Thanks, Ron, Jerry.
Rory: Yeah, thanks, guys.
Logan: I didn't know the gym had masseurs.
Rory: They don't.
Lorelai: No, Ron and Jerry work for the laundry service, but they missed their calling.
Luke: You got laundry guys to give you a massage?
Rory: Never underestimate the persuasive powers of Lorelai Gilmore.

Quote from Lorelai

Rory: Chop the celery.
Lorelai: Yay. Oh, that's a dinner knife.
Rory: Well, be very careful, please.
Lorelai: I am Mario Batali and Ina Garten's love child.

Quote from Luke

Logan: Look, I went a little nuts and got two things for Rory. Let me give you one to give to Lorelai.
Luke: No, no, no, no.
Logan: Yes, I got a necklace and a tennis bracelet. She doesn't need both. Take one, whichever one.
Luke: I can't do that.
Logan: Dude, it's Valentine's day. You've got to give your girl a gift.
Luke: Well, maybe I will take one.
Logan: Which one?
Luke: How about the necklace?
Lorelai: Perfect.
Luke: Mainly because I have no idea what a tennis bracelet is.

Quote from Rory

Lorelai: This is fun.
Rory: You have got to stop doing that.
Lorelai: I love the squishy feeling.
Rory: You're going to overmash them.
Lorelai: Is there such a thing as overmashing potatoes?
Rory: Yes, it's called potato soup.
Lorelai: You know, you can put on the apron and shout out things like "dice the carrots," but implying that you can overmash potatoes proves you're a phony.
Rory: You're the one who thought the potato masher was a waffle shaper before I corrected you.
Lorelai: Ow, I think I'm giving myself mashed-potato elbow.

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