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Quote from Lorelai in A Vineyard Valentine

Lorelai: Oh, wow. I was, like, in a zen trance. I was totally somewhere else.
Rory: Me too. I was in Greece. Where were you?
Lorelai: Bergdorf Goodman.
Rory: When you reach a zen trance, you go to Bergdorf Goodman?
Lorelai: To each his own.
Lorelai: Thanks, Ron, Jerry.
Rory: Yeah, thanks, guys.
Logan: I didn't know the gym had masseurs.
Rory: They don't.
Lorelai: No, Ron and Jerry work for the laundry service, but they missed their calling.
Luke: You got laundry guys to give you a massage?
Rory: Never underestimate the persuasive powers of Lorelai Gilmore.

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