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A Messenger, Nothing More

‘A Messenger, Nothing More’

Season 5, Episode 2 - Aired September 28, 2004

Rory's relationship with her mother is still strained as she travels Europe with Emily. Lorelai is avoiding her relationship troubles by throwing herself into her work at the inn. Meanwhile, Lane falls out with her band mates when they decide to play fewer covers, but is there more to her unhappiness?

Quote from Sookie

Sookie: How many times have you fallen asleep at your desk in that stupid office of yours?
Lorelai: Once.
Sookie: No. Once, you fell asleep on a stapler. And the whole next day, you had "Swingline" printed backwards across your face. But you've fallen asleep at that desk a hundred times.
Lorelai: Well, I'm here when I'm here. I can't change that. I'm sorry.
Sookie: Want to know the last time I saw staff and maids looking this scared of their boss? Your mother's house.
Lorelai: Ow! Knife in the gut!
Sookie: Well, I'm sorry to deal from the bottom of the deck, but that's reality.


Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: [on the phone] This month at least?
Luke: Today.
Lorelai: See you when Hillary's president.
Luke: I'll see you later today.
Lorelai: Bye.

Quote from Emily

Emily: Oh, we had such a trip. Rory will fill you in. Spare her the more salacious aspects.
Lorelai: Salacious aspects?
Emily: Those European men - young, old, in between - they saw us coming.
Sookie: They saw you coming where?
Emily: We were like magnets. Such high libidos.
Lorelai: You weren't wearing your "hot and wealthy" sandwich board, were you, Mom?
Rory: She was very popular.
Emily: Well, I should go. I bring you back a charming, cultured, well-mannered young lady. Don't undo it.
Lorelai: I will definitely try not to not undo it.

Quote from Sookie

Rory: So, what are you guys doing home?
Lorelai: We're trying to get some distance from the inn.
Sookie: And it's going through the roof. Not the inn's roof - that's solid as a rock. You know what I mean. We're booked to 90% capacity. And the restaurant - we're turning people away. Oh, you know all that.
Rory: No, keep going.
Sookie: Well, customers agree that, despite Michel, we're their favorite Connecticut inn. Oh, but that's nothing compared to the big town news.
Rory: Wow. What?
Lorelai: Sookie.
Sookie: We walked past Dean's place, and Lindsay was throwing his stuff out on the street. They were really going at it. It was like Raging Bull.

Quote from Michel

Michel: What are you doing here?
Lorelai: What are you doing here?
Michel: I'm enjoying the cider mill parade. Such culture I've been missing all these years. This band, so subtle. Like a polo mallet hitting your head.

Quote from Lorelai

Luke: This town.
Lorelai: "... is our town. This town is so glamorous".

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: So, you want to talk about-
Rory: Something to watch?
Lorelai: Uh, yes. Something to watch.
Rory: You pick.
Lorelai: Will you be mad if it's Showgirls again? I got the deluxe edition with shot glasses and a drinking game.

Quote from Miss Patty

Miss Patty: Keep it going, kids. You're red, you're delicious. You're about to have the juice sucked out of you. There she is, our spunky entrepreneur.
Lorelai: I am the uber-Trump-Murdoch-Maximus. Oop. Apple down.
Miss Patty: Apple down. Apple down! Hold it, everybody! Apple down! Okay, roll her over. Have a nice day.

Quote from Lane

Lane: Look, I told you guys I'd throw you free fries - not a big deal since they're usually the ones we wind up throwing out anyway from making too many, which means you don't have to call them wink-winkers or nudge-nudgies or know-what-I-meanies or anything else in verbal code, especially if it's cute-cutesy.

Quote from Lane

Lorelai: Still no Luke, huh?
Lane: Liz and T.J. are still not back up on their feet. Luke's calling the Renaissance Faire his "Vietnam without all the fun shooting."
Lorelai: Oh, poor guy.
Lane: I made it extra strong. It should blacken your teeth and rot your stomach.
Lorelai: Bless you.

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