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The One with the Stain

‘The One with the Stain’

Season 8, Episode 7 - Aired November 8, 2001

When Rachel decides to move out of Joey's apartment, Ross tries to secure her the apartment of an ailing Dutch lady in his building. Meanwhile, Chandler hires a cleaner for the apartment, and things get uncomfortable when Phoebe tries to date her sister's ex-fiance.

Quote from Monica

Monica: I'm glad I didn't give her my secret ingredient.
Chandler: By the way, what is your secret ingredient?
[Monica laughs derisively]


Quote from Joey

Joey: Hey, Ross. You wanna go see that new IMAX movie on tide pools?
Ross: Really?
Joey: No.

Quote from Monica

Monica: Nice jeans.
Brenda: Oh, thanks. I like your top.
Monica: Oh. You're not getting it.

Quote from Monica

Brenda: What's going on?
Monica: I'm sorry. I've never had a maid before. Is this not okay?

Quote from Rachel

Joey: So, I was talking to Ross and he said you were looking for a new place.
Rachel: Oh, yeah. Hopefully across the street. If certain Dutch people would just let go.

Quote from Joey

Rachel: But, Joey, I have to go. There's no room for a baby here.
Joey: No room? It's a baby. It's, like, this big. You could put it over here. Or we could put it right here. Aww, it's cute, right? Or we could put it over here. You wouldn't even notice it. "Where's the baby?" "Oh, it's right over..."
Rachel: Honey, it's not just a matter of where you put it. I mean, a baby changes everything. They cry all the time. I mean, imagine bringing home some girl and trying to score when there's a screaming baby around.
Joey: I could use a challenge. It's getting pretty easy.
Rachel: Honey, it's so sweet that you want me to stay, but I can't do that to you. I mean, it would disrupt your entire life.
Joey: It's just I love living with you so much. I wish things didn't have to change.
Rachel: I know.
Joey: You know, I blame Ross for this.
Rachel: I do too, a little bit.

Quote from Joey

Joey: I'm gonna miss you. You're the hottest roommate I ever had.

Quote from Phoebe

Eric: I love the way you kiss.
Phoebe: Really? That's the thing I'm worst at. You'll see.

Quote from Monica

Monica: I think Brenda needs a raise.
Chandler: How come?
Monica: Because I put my head between her legs.
Chandler: To see her pants?
Monica: They're my pants.
Chandler: Are you sure? Did you see the stain?
Monica: No. I was just getting into position, and then everything went dark.

Quote from Monica

Monica: Here's the plan, okay? I'm going to leave and you're gonna get a look at Brenda's bra.
Chandler: Here's another plan. No.
Monica: I would do it, but she thinks I'm attracted to her.
Chandler: Why?
Monica: Did you not hear where my head was?

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