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The One with the Flashback

‘The One with the Flashback’

Season 3, Episode 6 - Aired October 31, 1996

After Janice wonders if the six friends have ever slept with eachother, they reminisce about three years earlier when some of the group almost got together.

Quote from Phoebe

Phoebe: Mr. Heckles, no. No one is making any noise up here.
Mr. Heckles: You're disturbing my oboe practice.
Phoebe: You don't play the oboe.
Mr. Heckles: I could play the oboe.
Phoebe: Then I'm gonna have to ask you to keep it down.


Quote from Chandler

Ross: So how many more do you have tomorrow?
Chandler: Two. This photographer who seemed really dull and this actor guy who I'm not sure about. Because when he called and I answered the phone, "Chandler Bing", he said, "Whoa, short message!"

Quote from Chandler

Chandler: I'm never gonna find a roommate. Ever.
Phoebe: Nobody good?
Chandler: Well, let's see. There was the guy with the ferrets. That's plural. The spitter. Oh, yes, and the guy who enjoyed my name so much he made a little noise every time he said it. "Nice to meet you, Chandler Bing. Bing!" "Great apartment, Chandler Bing. Bing!"

Quote from Monica

Chandler: Hey, Mon.
Monica: Wanna hear something that sucks?
Chandler: Do I ever.
Monica: Chris says they're closing the bar.
Chandler: No way.
Monica: Yeah, apparently they're turning it into some sort of coffee place.
Chandler: Just coffee? Where are we gonna hang out now?
Monica: You got me.

Quote from Chandler

Monica: Did you pick a roommate?
Chandler: You bet.
Monica: Is it the ltalian guy?
Chandler: Yeah, right.
Monica: He's so cute.
Chandler: Oh, yes. That's what I want. A roommate I can walk around with and be referred to as "the funny one."

Quote from Joey

Monica: Oh, my God. What the hell are you doing?
Joey: You said, "You wanna come in for some lemonade?"
Monica: So?
Joey: Ah. Were you just gonna give me lemonade?
Monica: Yeah-huh. Cover yourself up.
Joey: Oh, right. Sorry.
Monica: God, I don't believe this. Someone asks you in for lemonade and to you that means they want to have sex?
Joey: Usually, yeah. Well, not just lemonade. Iced tea, sometimes juice. Look, sorry. I just- I thought you liked me. I'm such a jerk.
Monica: It's okay. I suppose it could happen to anyone. Not anyone I know, but- By the way, I can still see it.

Quote from Phoebe

Monica: What are you talking about?
Phoebe: I'm sorry. I don't live here anymore. I didn't know how to tell you. But, you know, everybody else knows.
Monica: Everybody knows?
Phoebe: That was supposed to be a good thing. I forget why.

Quote from Phoebe

Phoebe: Monica, do you know I couldn't sleep for, like, a month because I got a dot of ink on one of the sofa cushions?
Monica: You could've just turned the cushion over.
Phoebe: I would have, except I had a big spaghetti stain on the other side.
Monica: What?
Phoebe: Okay, this is what I'm talking about. I need to live in a land where people can spill.
Monica: Well, you can spill. In the sink.
Phoebe: Oh, honey. It's not your fault, you know. This is who you are. And I love you. And I want us to be friends. And if I stay here, I don't see that happening.

Quote from Joey

Monica: Honey, you okay?
Ross: My wife's a lesbian.
Joey: Cool.
Chandler: Ross, Joey. Joey, Ross.

Quote from Phoebe

Janice: Janice has a question. Who of the six of you has slept with who of the six of you?
Phoebe: Wow, it's like a dirty math problem.

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