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The One with the Cheap Wedding Dress

‘The One with the Cheap Wedding Dress’

Season 7, Episode 17 - Aired March 15, 2001

When Monica beats another bride-to-be in a fight over a wedding dress, the woman threatens to take the wedding band that Chandler has his heart set on unless Monica gives up the dress. Meanwhile, Joey and Ross compete for the affection of a woman who just moved onto the block.

Quote from Ross

Ross: Wait a minute! Were you on a poster for gonorrhea?


Quote from Joey

Joey: You ever gotten stuck in a pair of your own leather pants?

Quote from Ross

Ross: Have you ever locked yourself in a TV cabinet, VD-boy?

Quote from Joey

Joey: Monkey-lover!

Quote from Chandler

Chandler: Hi, honey, I'm home.
Monica: Don't come in here.
Chandler: Why, do you have another boyfriend in there or something?
Monica: No. We only mess around at his place.
Chandler: You know, it's funny, I started it, but now it's scaring me, so could you come out here please?

Quote from Ross

Monica: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I should probably leave you girls alone.
Ross: Laugh all you want, but in ten minutes we're going to have younger-looking skin.

Quote from Monica

Rachel: Oh, they're pushing.
Monica: Don't be a baby.
Phoebe: Hey, Rachel, come on!

Quote from Monica

Monica: Don't crowd me!

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