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The One with Monica's Boots

‘The One with Monica's Boots’

Season 8, Episode 10 - Aired December 6, 2001

Monica buys an expensive pair of boots which she promises Chandler she'll wear all the time, until she discovers they're extremely painful. Meanwhile, Joey's younger sister seeks Rachel's advice, and Phoebe learns that Ross's son, Ben, is in the same class as Sting's son.

Quote from Phoebe

Ben: Jack? I hate him. He's a jerk.
Phoebe: Now, Ben, sometimes people may seem like jerks on the outside but they have famous fathers.
Ben: I have to go. My friend Doug is waiting for me over there.
Phoebe: Him, you're friends with.


Quote from Rachel

Dina: Do you ever worry that you'll be walking and your baby will just, like, slip out?
Rachel: What college was that, Dina?

Quote from Joey

Dina: Oh, my God. Bobby?
Bobby: Hi, Dina. Good to see you.
Rachel: Joey, what are you doing?
Joey: Just what needs to be done. Dearly beloved, we are gathered here to join in marriage-
Rachel: Joey, this is crazy.
Joey: Don't interrupt me when I'm talking to God!

Quote from Rachel

Rachel: All right, Joey, that is enough. Listen, as beautiful and moving as this ceremony is, this is not legal. Okay, they don't have a marriage license. They don't have any witnesses. And the groom only has on one shoe.
Bobby: Yeah, he took the other one off and hit me with it.

Quote from Phoebe

Phoebe: Wow. This place is incredible. Sting's pen ... that he gave to Phoebe.

Quote from Chandler

Monica: Okay. I can walk the rest of the way now. Just give me my boots.
Chandler: I don't have your boots.
Monica: I don't have them either. Where are they?
Chandler: Well, why don't you check in one of my saddlebags while I chew on hay?

Quote from Joey

Joey: Dina, if you're having a baby, you should be married. Even if it is to Bobby. Dude, that's not a compliment.

Quote from Joey

Joey: What are you gonna do? Are you going to have the baby and raise it by yourself, without a husband? You can't be a single mother alone. You're going to ruin your life.
Rachel: Excuse me. Am I ruining my life?
Joey: No, it's different for you. You're so strong and together. You're not some dumb kid who doesn't know what she's doing.
Dina: Excuse me?
Joey: One pregnant woman at a time, please!

Quote from Phoebe

Ross: You're gonna love me so much. I got Sting tickets.
Phoebe: Oh, my God, I do love you. How did you do it?
Ross: Well, let's just say: [singing] Ross can!
Phoebe: Where are the seats?
Ross: Middle Balcony.
Phoebe: Okay. Now, would you say that is that more than 50 yards away from Sting, his wife or a member of his family?
Ross: Yeah.
Phoebe: Then that's not breaking the law. I'm there!

Quote from Rachel

Rachel: Hi, Monica. Hi, boots.

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