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The One with Chandler in a Box

‘The One with Chandler in a Box’

Season 4, Episode 8 - Aired November 20, 1997

Still angry at Chandler for kissing Kathy, Joey makes him sit on a box on Thanksgiving. Meanwhile, Ross is upset that Rachel exchanges all her gifts, and Monica finds herself attracted to her optometrist, who happens to be Richard's son.

Quote from Phoebe

Chandler: Ugh, turkey. Ugh, giving thanks.
Phoebe: Look, everyone. It's the spirit of Thanksgiving.


Quote from Rachel

Rachel: I'm going to take a nap. Turkey makes me sleepy.
Monica: We haven't eaten yet.
Rachel: I know, but all that work you're doing to get it ready and I just...

Quote from Chandler

Chandler: Hey, what time is it? The big game's about to start.
Phoebe: You don't have to do that. Ross and Joey aren't here. You can watch the parade if you want.
Chandler: Thanks.

Quote from Chandler

Monica: What is wrong with this freezer? Ow! Ow!
Phoebe: God. What happened?
Monica: Oh, my God, ice just got in my eye.
Rachel: People are trying to sleep in here.
Chandler: Monica got ice in her eye and it hurts.
Phoebe: Open it up. Let me see.
Monica: You know, I can't. It really kills.
Chandler: Maybe you should put some ice on it.

Quote from Chandler

Chandler: Okay, I think I'm making some progress with Joey. When I walked into the apartment, he went to his bedroom but he only slammed the door once. I mean, yeah, he gave me the finger while doing it.

Quote from Phoebe

Phoebe: Okay, I've got to call my mom and ask her a left-handed cooking question.

Quote from Chandler

Ross: So listen, I picked Monica for Secret Santa, but I'm already getting her something for Hanukkah. I was wondering if you want to switch?
Chandler: Oh, you know what, I was trying to trade for, well, you.
Ross: Really? Wow, that's so nice. What are you getting me?
Chandler: I don't know, R.G. I was thinking something girlie for your office.

Quote from Joey

Ross: Hey, what are you doing?
Joey: Sending back all this stuff Chandler bought out of guilt.
Ross: Even the TV?
Joey: No, I'm going to put that in my room.

Quote from Chandler

Kathy: Oh, my God. Is it really that bad?
Chandler: When I walk in the room, he won't even talk to me. He just mumbles something in Italian. And I know he only knows the bad words.

Quote from Chandler

Chandler: All right, look. If you're not going to stay for me, then at least stay for them. They had a very difficult year, what with the robbery and all.

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