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The One Where Ross Hugs Rachel

‘The One Where Ross Hugs Rachel’

Season 6, Episode 2 - Aired September 30, 1999

Monica and Chandler break the news to Joey and Rachel that they are moving in together. Meanwhile, Phoebe is convinced that Ross is still in love with Rachel.

Quote from Phoebe

Monica: I have some pretty exciting news.
Phoebe: You're pregnant.
Monica: No. Chandler and I are moving in together.
Phoebe: Oh, that's good. Wow. But now if you were pregnant, what would you name it? Hint, Phoebe.


Quote from Phoebe

Phoebe: Ross, you're being ridiculous. You are cute and smart and sweet. And that is much more important than three stupid divorces.
Ross: Oh, yeah? Have you ever dated anyone who's been divorced three times?
Phoebe: Well, that's not really fair. You know, most guys who have been divorced three times are, like, 60.

Quote from Phoebe

Phoebe: So what do you think, ladies? Who wouldn't want to date him?
Karin: Well, the divorces don't bother me. I'd date him. But not while he's still married.
Phoebe: Okay. And what about you, wouldn't you want to date?
Stephanie: Actually, I'm not dating at all anymore. See, I figured out that I was only dating guys that were, you know, bad for me. So I decided that until I could work that out-
Phoebe: Good. Good. Whatever. What about you, Meg?
Meg: Well, I don't care about the divorces, either. But I wouldn't date him. It's just that he's obviously still in love with this Rachel girl.
Ross: What?
Phoebe: She said, "He's obviously still in love with this Rachel girl."

Quote from Joey

Chandler: I'll just be across the hall. We can still do all the same stuff.
Joey: We won't be able to, like, get up in the middle of the night and have those long talks about our feelings and the future.
Chandler: Not once did we do that.

Quote from Phoebe

Ross: Hey, Pheebs.
Phoebe: Hey. Oh, look, here's an article about people who marry people and don't tell them.
Ross: Really?
Phoebe: Yeah, I'm reading Ross Geller Magazine.

Quote from Phoebe

Ross: All I know is, I can't have another failed marriage.
Phoebe: Okay, what, so you're gonna be married to a girl who doesn't even know about it? Oh. Woman. Sorry.

Quote from Monica

Monica: I really have to tell Rachel, but I... We just gotta get it over with. You know what, the next time we see them, we'll just tell them. That's it.
Chandler: Oh, is that how this is going to work now? You're just going to order me around all the time?
Monica: Pretty much.
Chandler: All right.

Quote from Joey

Joey: I'm really happy for you guys. Congratulations. See you later.
Monica: Joey, are you okay?
Joey: Yeah. I gotta go. I've got an acting job. ... Like you'd believe that.

Quote from Chandler

Chandler: I'll be right across the hall. And I promise you, the minute Monica and I break up, I'm moving right back in with you.

Quote from Chandler

Chandler: Hey.
Monica: Oh, I thought you were Rachel.
Chandler: What gave me away?

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