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The One Where Rachel's Sister Babysits

‘The One Where Rachel's Sister Babysits’

Season 10, Episode 5 - Aired October 30, 2003

When Amy shows up on the eve of her wedding to a man she doesn't love, Rachel takes her in and tries to help her sister plot a new life. Rachel quickly regrets letting Amy babysit Emma. Meanwhile, Phoebe unintentionally ruins Mike's surprise for her, and Joey tries to help Monica and Chandler in their quest to adopt a child.

Quote from Joey

Joey: I finished my recommendation. Here. And I think you'll be very, very happy. It's the longest I ever spent on a computer without looking at porn.


Quote from Amy

Amy: I took your advice. I left Myron.
Rachel: Good for you!
Amy: I know. I'm Erin Brockovich.
Rachel: Yes, you are. I'm so proud of you.
Amy: Thank you. So can I stay with you?
Rachel: But Erin Brockovich had her own house.

Quote from Amy

Rachel: Amy, that's what I'm supposed to wear today. That's why I hung it on the door.
Amy: Oh, sweetie, you can't pull this off.

Quote from Amy

Rachel: You know what? I was thinking that maybe now would be a good time for us to sit down and, you know, talk about your future.
Amy: Oh, I can't, honey. I'm gonna go get my eyebrows shaped. I am not happy.

Quote from Chandler

Phoebe: I just had the worst anniversary ever.
Chandler: I doubt that. Tell her about us last year.
Monica: Well, I bought Chandler a $500 watch, and he wrote me a rap song.
Ross: Seriously?
Chandler: Word.

Quote from Chandler

Phoebe: But after I dumped on the way he was gonna do it I don't think he'll ever ask again. I said no in Barbados, and now this?
Chandler: She's right. If I were a guy and- Did I just say, "If I were a guy"?

Quote from Monica

Monica: Well, maybe you don't need him to propose to you. Maybe you could propose to him.
Phoebe: Oh, I don't know. I don't know. Isn't that a little desperate?
Monica: I proposed to Chandler. All right, moving on.

Quote from Rachel

Phoebe: So how should I do it?
Monica: How about at a game on the big screen?
Rachel: [gasps] How about at a Foot Locker?

Quote from Chandler

Monica: What, he obviously thinks that's a nice way to be proposed to. Plus, he'd never suspect anything.
Phoebe: Yeah, that does make sense. Okay, now, would you two like that?
Chandler: Sounds good to me. But what would a guy think?

Quote from Phoebe

Rachel: Can any of you watch Emma?
Monica: No, I'm sorry, sweetie.
Phoebe: No, I've got work, and then I'm proposing.

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